More than 700 former military and national security officials endorse Harris, say Trump is ‘impulsive and ill-informed’

Source: CuteBullie


  1. National Security officials who knew that Trump was compromised by Putin 8 years ago, but decided to let it go.

  2. FeedMeYourGoodies on

    Did you get the idea of all these folks have access to some kind of information and it proves that Trump is already compromised?

  3. ‘ill informed’… that’s, uh, the polite way of putting it. He’s an absolute ignorant moron.

    And so is anybody who votes for him.

  4. ffs

    “impulsive and ill-informed” == mask for disruptive foreign agent.

    If not, just the court-confirmed past criminal and sexually deviant behavior make him easy to compromise by hostile governments.

  5. Impulesive, ill-informed, and remember:

    Only 13 Presidents failed to get re-elected.

    Only 5 Presidents failed to win the popular vote.

    Only 4 Presidents have been impeached or resigned.

    Only 1 President has ever been criminally convicted.

    And only ONE President has done ALL FOUR.

  6. Outrageous-Book9799 on

    Choose weakness for America. Honestly the Democrats have been quite good for the military Obama approved to be an effective Commander in Chief

  7. Outrageous-Book9799 on

    Manchild clown, who has no moral compass, conviction, or vision. Only cares about looking good in the short term… These people exist in the military but they are despised…

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