Suspect in Châteauguay mosque altercation charged with weapon possession

Source: imgurliam

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  1. ###From the article:

    >Many questions remain following an altercation on Friday that left three people injured at a mosque in Châteauguay, on Montreal’s South Shore.

    >The suspect, Younes Adib, 24, appeared at the Valleyfield courthouse, in Montérégie, on Saturday and was charged with possession of a weapon for a dangerous purpose. He will remain detained until his next appearance next week.

    >A spokesperson for the Châteauguay police department, Marc-Olivier Chatelois, indicated Adib was a resident of Châteauguay.

    >Police said they do not believe he intended to harm anyone, adding the knife was worn on his belt.

    >Rachid Azmane, an administrator at the Centre Culturel Musulman de Châteauguay, said in a phone interview on Saturday the incident occurred in the basement when people noticed the suspect behaving strangely.

    >The man had changed seats several times and onlookers asked him what he had in his pocket.

    >“We don’t know what he intended to do,” Azmane said.

    >Azmane added the man entered the mosque before prayers and caught the attention of the staff, who noticed he was acting “a little oddly” and became alarmed when they saw he was carrying a knife.

    >The three men who were injured, all volunteers, were hurt while trying to seize the knife, he said.

    >Azmane said it seemed clear the suspect “was suffering from something.”

    >Chatelois said the suspect was known by worshippers at the mosque, but Azmane said he had no connection to the mosque itself.

    >On Friday, the Châteauguay police department said the three victims were in their 50s and sustained minor injuries, with one of them taken to a hospital for hand injuries.

    >The suspect was taken to the police station on Friday afternoon. Investigators have not provided details about a possible motive.

    >The mosque reopened its doors on Saturday.

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