Why isn’t dental included in Medicare? It’s time to change this – here’s how

Source: 89b3ea330bd60ede80ad

1 Comment

  1. mining super profit tax fully funds this program,so is fully achievable with some political willpower


    >Costing overview
    This proposal would be expected to increase the fiscal balance by around $40.0 billion and the
    underlying cash balance by around $37.7 billion over the 2022-23 Budget forward estimates period.
    On a fiscal balance basis this impact reflects an increase in net revenue of around $40.2 billion,
    partially offset by an increase in Australian Taxation Office (ATO) departmental expenses of
    $135 million.
    The proposal would have ongoing impact beyond the 2022-23 Budget forward estimates period.
    A breakdown of the financial implications (including separate public debt interest (PDI) tables) over
    the period to 2032-33 is provided at Attachment A.
    It should be noted that the MSPT revenue in the first year of the proposal is significantly higher than
    other years due to elevated mineral prices in recent years. The MSPT revenue is also estimated to
    increase significantly in 2027-28 because the starting capital base deductions cease at this time as the
    starting capital base would have been fully depreciated over the first 5 years of the proposal.
    ATO departmental costs to collect and ensure compliance with the MSPT are estimated to be
    $30 million per year with an additional set up cost of $15 million in the first year of the proposal.

    That said,the main issue with medicare dental is,it can be weeks to get a booking with a dentist now,even me trying to get into a nice private dental clinic i still need about 2 weeks lead..

    Root work is even worse,was like 4 months for a booking for me to the point it would of been cheaper and quicker for me to fly back to Hawaii and get the worked under the veterans health clinic there.

    the public system has 6month to over 14 month waits sometimes,imagine what the dental system will devolve into when 400,000 plus more ppl swarm the system,it will be gridlock

    Maybe a stop gap would be make Fillings and cleans free with a voucher system,everyone just swiped their medicare card get’s 1 a year with a means test approach

    A lot of dental issues would be solved with just regular checks and better dental hygiene

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