She asked students their pronouns. Locals called her a “groomer.” Now she’s suing. She was placed on leave for her own safety after local conservatives used increasingly violent rhetoric to denounce her.

Source: southpawFA


  1. PhaseEuphoric1053 on

    I hope she wins the case. Frankly people should sue more for defamation like this. Throw a hate crime on top of it.

  2. Republicans keep them dumb to keep their vote.

    If you are a grown adult mad at pronouns you likely use every day, either you either have been just been hammered hard by propaganda and believe it or you had a genuinely bad education.

  3. >Mardy A. Burleson is a computer sciences teacher at Hilton Head Island Middle School (HHIMS), located in a South Carolina coastal community of 38,069 that is predominantly white, Christian, and over the age of 45. Burleson has a transgender son whose friend died by suicide years ago because they couldn’t come out to their family. So, to help support her own students, Burelson began giving them a beginning-of-term survey entitled, “Who is behind those eyes?”

    >Around January 9, 2023, an HHIMS student showed the survey to her father, David Cook, a local self-described “Dad-vocate who has supported recent efforts to ban “pornographic” books from school libraries.

    >On his podcast and social media posts, Whittington accused Burleson of being a “predatory” teacher “indoctrinating 8th graders” by giving “secret surveys about sex to literal pre-teens and children” and then telling them to “keep [it a] secret from administrators and parents.”

    >During the last week of school on Facebook, Cook posted, “If you’re in support of giving sexually explicit material to children, it’s important to remember……Dead Pedophiles Don’t Re-Offend.”

    >Other teachers began warning Harper about Cook’s presence on campus. Escorts would accompany her to her car. School officials compiled Cook’s harassing social media posts and filed a harassment report with the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office .

    >“[School officials] told me to watch my back in public,” Harper told the *Packet*. “They told me he is dangerous and they’re concerned for me. They encouraged me to file a police report, which I did that day.”

    The mental gymnastics conservatives do to believe what they believe are astoundingly weird to me. They think somehow that pronouns means “grooming” children to becoming LGBTQIA+, as if cisgender people don’t have pronouns, somehow. That is just bizarre. And the teacher facing that kind of death threat for wanting every kid to be happy and accepted at school is so bizarre.

    The Christian nationalists should be the ones ashamed of themselves for trying to bully everyone into their hateful cult.

    I hope Mandy wins, and it sets a precedent in the process. The “groomer libel” is sick and wrong on all levels. These Anita Bryant wannabes belong to the Crusades, not to a free society.

  4. I wonder if she’s Jewish, too? It’d just be another ignorant reason for MAGA Trumpers and RW voters to want to cause harm to this woman.

  5. Legend had it that Danes wore yellow stars to defend Jews in Nazi occupation. My internet profile is genderless for the same reason. I am they.

  6. So it’s ok for this woman to ask children sexually explicit questions especially without parents consent now? Wtf

  7. Accusing someone of grooming who isn’t actually grooming should be considered defamation. It’s crazy the GOP has gotten away with this shit as much as they have.

  8. I hope she continually refers to Cook as “ma’am” during the hearings since clearly he doesn’t think people should be using pronouns anymore. I’m sure it’ll be fine with it.

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