Donald Trump Says He Won’t Run Again in 2028 if Defeated by Kamala Harris

Source: plz-let-me-in


  1. We’ve heard that before. The grave is probably the only thing that’ll keep him from trying again.

  2. This makes defeating him this November more important than ever. If he loses we finally get to be free from the reign of MAGA. Maybe we’ll finally return to normalcy in politics (until the next Republican decides to harness all the racist energy from the MAGA base).

  3. Parking-Emphasis590 on

    Death, jail, or fleeing the country are far more likely outomes for him.

    So, yeah, of course he won’t run again.

  4. Antisocial-sKills on

    Trump said he would go away and we ‘would never see him again’ if he lost the 2020 election. Just saying…

    Also, what are the odds in Vegas for which country Trump flees to?

  5. SierraVictoriaCharli on

    Well, given his track record keeping to his word, we can now guarantee he will try to run again in ’28 if he is at all able.

  6. Cassandraburry2008 on

    He will absolutely keep grifting his base until the day he has a massive coronary. I don’t think he will ever stop asking them for money.

  7. spacebarcafelatte on

    But it won’t matter if he’s defeated anyway. The question is whether he’ll accept that he was defeated. We’ve seen that movie.

  8. He’ll be 82, and as declined as he is now, he’ll be more of a shell of a person than he currently is. There’s no way he could mount a serious and 5th! campaign.

  9. If the Republicans don’t completely ditch him after a loss, they are done. Letting an 84 year old who lost twice dictate your parties agenda is a death sentence.

  10. LurksAroundHere on

    You know those commercials that put a timer on the screen and tell potential customers supplies are limited, so they better call now? Those commercials that air for decades? That’s exactly what this is. Advertising to voters they better vote for him now because it may be their only chance. We all know he isn’t going anywhere after. He’s already played this schtick before. We’re just lucky he’s old and can’t run the “time is running out, act now!” show for decades. Ironically his time actually is running out due to age.

  11. Don’t believe that one bit. Once he loses in November, Trump 2028 signs will go up immediately, just like they did after 2020

  12. Several_Leather_9500 on

    He said that if he didn’t win in 2020, he would leave the country. He refused to accept the election loss and brazenly said he had every right to try to overturn the results. He shouldn’t be allowed on the ballot according to our Constitution section 14.3.

    He’s said that if he loses this year, he won’t accept the results. He said he would leave the country. He said he wouldn’t run in 2028. He’s a prolific liar.

    He should be sitting in a cell facing charges of treason, along with dozens of accomplices. Not running for office.

  13. ButterPotatoHead on

    I can’t believe any part of this.

    That Trump would make a cogent and logical statement about the future.

    That he would admit that he could lose to Harris.

    That he would do anything besides either win or complain of a rigged election.

    That you can believe anything he says at all.

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