‘Don’t film our binmen’ plea issued as new footage emerges

Source: Fyenwyw


  1. The problem is… IMO anyway… that if these things aren’t filmed and put onto social media, then literally nothing happens about it. It only seems to be the “name-and-shame” that forces them into taking any action

  2. iteatssoylentgreen on

    If they do the job correctly there would be no need to film them.
    I’ve never felt the need to film my local refuse collectors(just being pc 😁) as they do a good job.

  3. They need to stop doing dodgy stuff then. I’ve seen them more than once taking a bag of general waste and popping it into the recycling one to save them wheeling the waste bin 10m to the lorry.

  4. So the headline has very much inferred that the councilman has asked that the binmen aren’t recorded because it’s showing the current poor state of working. That’s not true, the councilman phrases that it makes the binmen feel uncomfortable and rushed – which is a valid statement, I personally wouldn’t like to be recorded doing my job either.

    Just wanted to make that clear as I hate provactive headlining where they misquote to draw views / clicks, irregardless of the true intent of the councilmans plea.

    Now onto my personal opinion, the general public should absolutely be recording these, this particular borough is notorious for poor public hygiene management and it needs to be called out. What I suspect is actually happening here is not so much poorly trained staff etc but poor / underfunded management. The council themselves have put the mixed waste policies in place to reduce missed collections.

  5. Big_Championship_BWC on

    It’s a public street and you have no reasonable right to privacy. Unless I’ve been transported to North Korea, why shouldn’t they be filmed if they’re doing something shady like throwing batteries into hedges.

  6. Sgt_Sillybollocks on

    I live a bit off the beaten track so when it comes to the council collecting my rubbish they turn up in a transit and put the recycling and black bags all mixed in the back of the van. There’s literally no point in me separating it all. They can’t get the recycling van to my house or a bin lorry but still insist I split the waste or they won’t pick it up
    Laughable really.

  7. Nothing against the bin men. I have everything against recycling when nothing actually gets recycled.

  8. If they’re doing a poor job they should be filmed. We had problems with binmen ignoring certain bins that were apparently too heavy to move or garden waste bins that weren’t emptied, put back properly, just left on their side in the middle of the road.

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