MP says he was ‘pushed’ by a Parliament Hill protester | CBC News

Source: farmluver


  1. Toronto-tenant-2020 on

    *Several MPs say they have been harassed throughout the week by protesters who have been shouting and calling politicians and their staff “traitors.”*

    Yikes, it must be terrible to be called something accurate.

  2. We used to be able to express our differences of opinion in Canada without resorting to violence. Sadly, those days seem to be gone. Civility has been thrown out the window. No wonder our best no longer want anything to do with politics. I sure wouldn’t

  3. >Noormohamed said he fears that harassment of politicians is becoming normalized.

    >”What we are starting to see is that people are acting in a manner that no other profession, no other line of work, would we deem acceptable,” he said.

    I think a whole bunch of politicians in Canada need to spend some time with their counterparts in Europe.

  4. EvacuationRelocation on

    If a “protester” laid hands on an elected official, they should be arrested and punished to the fullest extent of the law.

    This is not acceptable in modern society.

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