Homelessness and open drug use in downtown Ottawa bring a national crisis to Parliament’s doorstep

Source: farmluver


  1. Any leader, federally, provincially or locally, who can create a plan, and successfully get people out of tents and into somewhere they can receive the help they need will be a hero to Canadians. This is no longer a big city problem. I live in rural Ontario near a city of some 45,000, and have for three decades. I never imagined I would see tent encampments here. Municipal leaders can only do so much. What is happening where you live? Has anyone tackled this well in your experience?

  2. I love the idea that Parliament would care more because it’s in Ottawa. The people of Ottawa constantly complain about how the federal and provincial governments ignore them. They keep them off the steps and grounds of federal buildings and leave the city to deal with it.

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