Russia says it will not take part in follow-up peace summit

Source: BothZookeepergame612


  1. BothZookeepergame612 on

    Putin doesn’t want peace, he needs this war to stay in power.
    He has started conflicts before when he is losing his grip on Russia.
    Now with the amount of dead Russian soldiers, he is even more nervous when it comes to his hold on the country.

  2. Russia is such a joke!!! They should start their own peace conference with North Korea and Iran….

  3. craigslist_hedonist on

    who would invite russia to a peace summit? that’s like inviting a pedophile to a kid’s birthday party.

  4. *Putin’s main goal is not to establish peace in Ukraine but to force its capitulation and strip it of its independence.*

    *This is precisely why the provisions of previous “peace agreements,” as well as those proposed now, contain clauses that are either impossible to implement or are interpreted differently by the parties involved.*

  5. Apprehensive_Sleep_4 on

    Not surprising because Russia wants to continue the illegal invasion of Ukraine. Western countries must increase their delivery of weapons to Ukraine so that they have the resources to defeat Russia and kick them out of Ukrainian territory.

  6. Putin hate seeing reality. He’d rather prefer to immerse himself in a dream world where the world revolve around him and not the other way around.

  7. Oh fuck you. You don’t want peace. your pathetic country runs on being in War or having some type of opponent

  8. There’s no value they can add to world peace until they change their ways and make restitution to those they have harmed and killed.

  9. MonsterCookieCutter on

    > Russia has announced it will not participate in any future iterations of the Swiss-hosted peace summit held in June, labeling the process a “fraud,” Russia’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Sept. 21.

    So they finally admit it.

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