Trump vows to ‘save’ vaping after private meeting with vaping lobbyist

Source: newzee1


  1. recalculating-route on

    i wonder what the limits are of what he can be paid to do. like i personally couldn’t buy any policy changes, i’m just a regular schmuck. *is* there a limit on what he’s willing to do for a buck?

  2. He will meet with the tobacco lobby and if he’s elected, Trump’s US Surgeon General will declare smoking is good for you, and Joe Camel will have a Saturday morning cartoon.

  3. StronglyHeldOpinions on

    He is so easily manipulated. All you have to do is praise him a little and then get whatever you want.


  4. Good grief, of course he has. This is the least surprising thing I’ve seen about him this week.

  5. Imagine this guy negotiating (again) with foreign leaders?

    I start to realise why the Taliban got Afghanistan back.

  6. HellishChildren on

    He didn’t try to save vaping in 2019. He was willing to ban it then if it made him more popular. 

  7. Pale-Worldliness7007 on

    I wonder how much money went directly into Don the CON’s pockets? He doesn’t do anything unless there’s a person financial reward.

  8. 3rdPlaceYoureFired on

    Unsurprising since he has RFK Jr in his camp and they rolled out “Make America Healthy Again”. I knew they’d do some batshit crazy stuff.

    Can’t wait till they endorse recreational fentanyl next and the MAGA cultists try to be like “now hear me out…”

  9. Get your official Trump Vape Pens for only $79.99! First 100 orders get a free Trump commemorative coin!

  10. EothainDragonne on

    This guy has to be either the dumbest person on earth, the most corrupt, the most manipulable or all in one.

  11. It is very unfortunate that a US presidential nominee is :

    1) A proven criminal
    2) A sex offender
    3) Fascist
    4) Racist
    5) Sexual Predator
    6) Fraudster
    7) Misogynist
    8) Coup Inciter
    9) Incestuous
    10) Traitor

    And still somehow he is managing to bypass all laws and run for presidency.

    How the laws have failed to protect common people.

  12. further evidence that trump is desperately trying to find every possible way to entice any of the remaining undecided votes his way.

  13. He’s so desperate that he’s just promising anything and everything. You’d have to be a moron to vote for Trump.

  14. It is curious that the people who hold rigid views about drugs tend to think that vaping and smoking are fine.

    Nicotine is extremely addictive – there are accounts of already starving prisoners in Nazi concentration camps trading their scanty rations for cigarettes.

  15. Does anyone remember Real Genius when they put a receiver in the guy’s mouth, and he thought he was hearing God?

    Pretty sue it would work with Trump, except he would think they are his ideas.

    Whatever idea his smooth brain heard last is what he believes.

    Would be a hilarious and terrifying reboot of Being John Malcovich.

  16. I wonder how much he’s getting paid for this favor…

    If he so pro-vaping, why doesn’t he vape?

  17. If there was such a thing as a trans Marxist drag queen lobbyist, Trump would find a way to justify caving to them.

  18. Global_Box_7935 on

    What a weak willed ass hat. Willing to suck every lobbyists dick in the world to get a few bucks

  19. This guy is promising everything to almost everyone. The only one he kept last time was to the rich donors who wanted a tax cut.

  20. Sounds like the vaping industry finally has enough money to start using the same tactics as the tobacco industry.

  21. Same kind of deal a corrupt president hopeful would have made with cigarette companies back in the 1950’s – 90’s.Vaping may not be as bad for you (if the chemical mix is ok anyway – popcorn lung risks etc otherwise), but it’s just as corrupt a deal as if one had been made back when we knew the smoking cancer link.

  22. Save vaping??!! As if it were in danger of going away.

    The market has clearly made up its mind on vaping and it isn’t going away. Vaping has much chance of going away as Trump has of saving those coal mining jobs in Virginia like he promised he would in the 2016 election.

    What a worthless fucking panderer.

  23. It’s both amazing and scary, that this moron could be president again. 50% of the country ~~likes~~, no loves this guy. This country is fucked.

  24. Repulsive-Finger-954 on

    Does anyone find it suspicious that this is what he needed to have a *private* meeting about?

  25. And THIS is the guy half the country wants to trust with our lives?! Wow.

    So easily manipulated and weak.

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