Paramore’s Hayley Williams Speaks Out Against Donald Trump and Project 2025 at iHeartRadio Music Festival: ‘Do You Want to Live in a Dictatorship?’

Source: plz-let-me-in


  1. Great quick read; much respect to her and the band. Love this tidbit too, for future ref if shorty ever runs again,

    >The Paramore singer has previously been vocal about her feelings towards Republicans, slamming Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and lambasting anyone who would consider voting for him if he were to secure the presidential nomination. “I’ll be happy to tell you I’m very fucking comfortable talking politics,” she said during an Atlantic City performance in June 2023. “If you vote for Ron DeSantis, you’re fucking dead to me. Is that comfortable enough for anyone?”

  2. Remind everyone you know to check their voter registration! It takes 5 minutes.

    Remember, if Trump tries to mess with election results (he will), SCOTUS will immediately grant his every whim. Take this as given, because it is. The only way to avoid their schemes is to win by a landslide. Please show up for the election.

    Project 2025 is genuinely dangerous. 


  3. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original]( reduced by 61%. (I’m a bot)
    > Paramore's Hayley Williams spoke out against Donald Trump and Project 2025 during the band's performance last night at the iHeartRadio Music Awards in Los Angeles, encouraging attendees to use their vote to make their voices heard.

    > Williams made her feelings known while the group was performing "Big Man, Little Integrity." "Project 2025 is Donald Trump's playbook for controlling and punishing women, poor people, people of color, and the LGBTQ+ community," said Williams.

    > The Paramore singer has previously been vocal about her feelings towards Republicans, slamming Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and lambasting anyone who would consider voting for him if he were to secure the presidential nomination.

    [**Extended Summary**]( | [FAQ]( “Version 2.02, ~694167 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback]( “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **Paramore**^#1 **vote**^#2 **Williams**^#3 **Trump**^#4 **band**^#5

  4. Prestigious-Log-7210 on

    Props to her. We need to all be calling out these people willing to vote for a fascist.

  5. The aspiring dictators are usually the side trying to disarm the population, censor their opposition, etc.

  6. Cue all the boomers and people that have never been fans posting how “you just lost a fan!” Or burning the merch they bought specifically to show how upset they are.

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