Housing support for adult children with severe autism is ‘absolutely absurd,’ say parents

Source: Unusual-State1827


  1. Interesting-Past7738 on

    It’s as if autistic and special needs adults don’t exist. They can now outlive their parents. Supportive housing is needed.

  2. TheNeighbourhoodCat on

    I don’t see this ever changing. Most Canadians hate their taxes going to supports for disabled people. These are always the first programs to be cut. 

  3. nopenottodaysir on

    I often wonder how other ASD parents, with adult children who are more profoundly affected, cope. My youngest is only 18 and quite capable but still requires far more care than my other children did at that age. I know that she will likely live with us for many years to come and have never thought of that as a burden. If her care requirements were higher though…

  4. Key_Mongoose223 on

    In Nova Scotia, a court case made group homes with more than 4 residents illegal meaning all of the provinces current homes will have to be shut down and / or take up VASTLY more of the housing supply (at a higher cost to residents) to maintain the same (extreme shortage) or spaces.


    There are already more than 1500 people waiting for spaces and we are closing facilities. It’s unreal.

    (The abuse of the original case is also more than deserving of their win – but the reform plan is now going to harm more people.)

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