Russia simplifies migration process for those fleeing ‘destructive’ Western values

Source: shellfishb


  1. Admiral_Asparagus on

    Ah yes, very simple. The package includes a state of the art shovel as send off gift, and a 2 week vacation in Kursk 

  2. SuccessionWarFan on

    Even if they’re not sent to the frontlines and just get to live in Russia, I’m pretty sure they’re not going to be happy there.

  3. Moving to Russia for the West is extremely dangerous… At any moment they may consider you a spy and imprison you or worse. Just like that Texas guy who moved to Donbas, was on Russian TV advocating for Russia and then, one day, was tortured and killed because few guys considered him to be a spy.

  4. I don’t see anything wrong with this.

    As the matter of fact, it’s one of my dreams to send every Western vatnik to russia. Especially the streamers and bloggers and stuff, expecting to see them continue posting every day.

    Wouldn’t that be funny? That’d be the best reality TV ever.

  5. Any Westerner who moves to Russia will quickly regret it and wish they were back in the West.

    [Conservative Family ‘Disappointed’ After Moving To Russia To Escape LGBTQ Ideology](

    >The conservative Christian couple from Canada made the bold move to relocate their large family of 10 to Russia to escape LGBT ideology.

    >However, their hopes of starting anew quickly turned into a nightmare upon arrival in Russia as their bank accounts, filled with the proceeds from selling their rural Canadian farm, were unexpectedly frozen due to “suspicious” activity, leaving them stranded and helpless in a country where they couldn’t speak the language.

    >Anneesa’s frustration boiled over, leading to a regrettable outburst against their new home, which only worsened their situation when Kremlin officials took offense. In a since-deleted YouTube video, the mom of eight said she was “very disappointed in this country at this point.”

  6. They keep torturing and killing Americans dumb enough to go over there yet there will still be some who are dumber still.

  7. dwilliams202261 on

    Western values, I think that means we can send the maga ppl since the are in opposition of western values.

  8. Remember the true reasons for this:

    * NATO citizens and allies -> hostages for prisoner swaps
    * Others -> cannon fodder in Ukraine

  9. Soviet Union did the same thing. There were also jokes about this shit in the same way they are now:

    >Two brothers, John, and Bob, who lived in America and were members of the communist party, decided to emigrate to the USSR. Even though they didn’t believe the American media’s negative reports on the conditions in the USSR, they decided to exercise caution. First, only John would go to Russia to test the waters. If, contrary to the media reports, the living conditions would be found good, and the reports about persecutions by the KGB false, than John would write a letter to Bob using black ink whose color would signify that the letter is to be taken at face value. If, though, the situation in the USSR happened to be bad, and John would be afraid of writing the truth, he would use red ink thus indicating that whatever he says in the letter must not be believed.

    >In three months John sent his first report. It was in black ink and read, “Dear brother Bob! I’m so happy here! It’s a beautiful country, I enjoy complete freedom, and high standard of living. All the capitalist press wrote was lies. Everything is readily available! There is only one small thing of which there’s shortage, namely red ink.”

  10. Wasn’t there a story this week about Russian soldiers torturing a man who came from the west to help them?

  11. Russian simplied immigration rules:
    If you are male, just show yourself in fighting zone. Lube Is not provided, please bring a bottle with you of you for when you will raped and tortured to death by your comrades.

    Women, please be fertile to be forcefully impregnated.

  12. Blackboard_Monitor on

    The faster the people who want to move to Russia move there the better for everyone, unless they get conscripted, then it won’t be great for the meat popsicles.

  13. NotYourSweatBusiness on

    I assume they want to make them legal russian citizens faster as well so that they can force recruit them in Russian army.

  14. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out

    Don’t let this distract you from the fact that Russia is doing this to stymie their demographic collapse.

  15. Finally we can send all stupid people to the same place, I always thought of an island, but Russia will also work

  16. CluckingBellend on

    Yep, if you don’t like it in a western democracy, piss off to Russia: they are welcome to you.

  17. Maybe Western countries can crowdfund one-way tickets for every person who is incompatible with our values????

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