Trump’s shutdown push falls flat with Republicans

Source: malcolm58


  1. More and more Republicans will see the writing on the wall and their instinct for self-preservation will cause them to begin distancing themselves from Trump. Soon he’ll be on an island with Vance, Mark Robinson, and the shameless MAGA.

  2. >“I don’t know that a shutdown really ***helps us right now***, and what we’re trying to accomplish — keep the majority, win the White House,” said Rep. Kevin Hern (R-Okla.), chair of the Republican Study Committee, the largest conservative caucus in the House.

    Republicans are OK with shutting down the US government. Just not when they are in the middle of coup 2.0. Meanwhile you have Trump straight up texting out his plan on the internet.


    Republicans in Congress single mission is to push Democrats around. Prevent votes from happening in Congress and when there is a vote they vote against improving the daily lives of Americans. The problem with too much propaganda is it becomes very hard to listen, or work with, people who can not be trusted to provide basic help. Don’t forget that the whole point of this is that Republicans and Democrats work for all the other people not in government. It’s not supposed to be Republicans sabotaging American’s daily lives and blaming it on Democrats.

    Edit :

    Democrat economy vs Republican economy

    The Two Santas Strategy: How the GOP has used an economic scam to manipulate Americans for 40 years

  3. flat? lol what flat? all the republicans get on their knees to taste trump’s farts to guess what he had for breakfast. That’s what they do.

  4. espresso_martini__ on

    This is the Republicans big move.. when in doubt, shut everything down and waste valuable time and taxpayers’ money.

  5. Can we skip to the part where Trump loses and the topic is all of Trump’s former supporters lining up to tell him how stupid and incompetent he is?

  6. This is the funniest… “BE SMART, REPUBLICANS, YOU’VE BEEN PUSHED AROUND LONG ENOUGH BY THE DEMOCRATS. DON’T LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN. Remember, this is Biden/Harris’ fault, not yours!” He’s keep hauled these House GOP members for the last 7 years.

  7. MommyLovesPot8toes on

    Why does it seem like House Republicans care only about 3 things:

    1) Making up problems that don’t exist.
    2) Blaming Democrats.
    3) Keeping their jobs.

    They haven’t done any actual governing in at least 8 years.

  8. Mother_Knows_Best-22 on

    House republicans have been carrying dump’s water since he left the WH. smh They do not govern, they bitch, moan, whine, and do absolutely nothing for working Americans.

  9. “politically beyond stupid” yup. So was running Trump again. That’s ok, you’re about to find out

  10. Yes, please remind the country how completely ineffective the GOP House has been at doing anything. Can’t pick their own leader. Can’t fund the government. This will go very well for them.

  11. Yes, YES, **YES**. Let’s see what the voters do if the republicans shut the government down right before an election. Let’s hope that right before early voting starts, TRUMP posts that he is in support of the government shutdown. Maybe Speaker Johnson can repost it.

    I think that this scenario is the absolute best thing possible for this election cycle.

  12. dominantspecies on

    No no please republicans shut down the government and prove you are not serious people. Fucking garbage

  13. The_Woman_of_Gont on

    Not going to lie, despite the damage it would do I’m somewhat disappointed they apparently aren’t shooting themselves in the foot after all. This very much helps to keep the GOP’s chances alive.

    The only thing I can hope is that this is the beginning of the dam cracking, and that Trump takes it personally enough to continue amplifying the tensions he has created.

  14. Oh please do it. What a moron, I hope he strong arms them into it. That could win Dems a full trifecta!

  15. >Now, as the Speaker prepares to defy Trump’s wishes and stage a vote on a “clean” three-month stopgap, rank-and-file Republicans are expected to back it — balking at the former president’s request.

    Trump is weak.

  16. Almost EVERY conservative I’ve ever met have either been willfully ignorant or just plain evil.

  17. BannedAgainDude on


    Stay in your goddam lane, Fascists., we’re not stupid.

  18. The reason the shutdown fell flat is that the GOP has finally realized, after playing this game way too many times, that the minority party is never blamed for the shutdown. It gets laid at the feet of the Speaker of the House and their party. The GOP is also starting to get punished for failing to do their jobs. People get elected to pass laws and political parties get punished for failing to pass their agendas. The GOP has repeatedly had the opportunity to pass major legislation granting most of their platform, but rejected it both times because it would either look good for the other party too or that it contained a compromise so that it would pass with bipartisan support. It’s becoming very noticeable that when the GOP holds the House and/or the Senate, nothing gets passed, not even their own agenda. At least the Democrats can push legislation through.

  19. InteractiveSeal on

    You mean politicians won’t shut down the government so close to an election when it would directly affect them getting re-elected? Shocking, tell me more…

  20. Life_Reserve7273 on

    Looks like Trump is losing friends already…the GOP sees the writing on the wall and abandoning ship like the rats they are


    YEAH! Only Trump gets to push them around, bend the knee Republicans, bend the knee.

  22. Good. Too many people would be hurt by that. Of course, the cruelty is the point with Republicans, but doesn’t mean it should happen.

    I think the rats are starting to jump ship. They are realizing that they’ve chained themselves to an anvil, and the water is rising.

  23. particularlysmol on

    I must admit I’d kinda like to be a fly on the wall when they are pitching ideas on how to fuck shit up

  24. It sounds like they love the idea right now. Their actions show what they want. They are currently at 220 republicans, and 211 democrats. So 5 republicans could elect a new speaker, and join the democrats to have a CR (continuing resolution) done this week. Yet there are not 5 republicans willing to even pretend. THAT is the measure of what falls flat with republicans. 5 of them could solve it and get a CR done. The democrats couldn’t push anything else on top of it, but it would make republicans look like fools… there ya go.

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