Violent crime in Canada has increased 30 percent in the last decade of recorded incidents

Source: FancyNewMe


  1. In Brief:

    * Violent crime in Canada has seen the greatest increase compared to all other crime categories in the last 10 years of recorded incidents, rising 30% in a decade.
    * Violent crimes are all those carried out or threatened against the body of another, such as assault.
    * **In 2022, 29 percent of homicides were committed by someone on some form of release, such as house arrest or parole.**
    * Just over half (55%) of Canadians want violent crime to be a top priority for government decision-makers.
    * 78% believe Canada’s justice system has been too lenient with those found guilty of such crimes, according to a Leger survey.
    * Repeat violent offenders being offered bail is a key concern of those surveyed (79%).

  2. Crumbling social infrastructure, mass immigration, low wages, expensive everything. 

    Every level of government is to blame.

  3. EastSpecialist698 on

    I wasn’t sure what Trudeaus legacy would be in 2021. I knew I didn’t like him but the country seemed to.

    Now I know what his and his families legacy will be. Filling this country with scoundrels and criminals and overseeing the greatest period of decline in Canadian history.

    Hats off to our French Canadian friends for letting this animal stay in power a little longer.

  4. No-Celebration6437 on

    And it’s still half of what it was in the 90’s. So pretty low. But that doesn’t make good conservative propaganda.

  5. skankhuntbrillbeans on

    Yup, im 29. Up until I was 21, there were no major incidents in my town besides unfortunately suicides. Now we have missing persons, a cop shot someone, 2 murders, severe beatings, stabbing. All in the last 8 years.

  6. Meth is a hell of a drug.

    I’d bet the majority of our problems can be traced to the surge of fentanyl entering the country in the 2010s, and how dangerous/unreliable the supply of that got during the pandemic leading to a shift towards meth, which dramatically increases propensity to crime. There is also a LOT of fetal-alcohol and other fetal-drug syndromes out there.

    One thing to keep in perspective is that we’re now at mid-2000s level crime levels. They dropped then rebounded.

  7. balls-deep-in-urmoma on

    I’m constantly being told by redditors that crime is going down though. How could this be?

    Are redditors full of shit?

  8. There is a drug, namely, Fentanyl crisis, that’s behind a lot of the upsurge in violent crime.

  9. Wild when did we last switch leaders? How much has out population grown in the last decade? Wait but good thing we kept up on infustructure so we could maintain Healthcare and education .. Oops wait we didn’t, well how in the hell did violent crime rise then, our government only failed on every level having a pissing contest with each other I wonder how this happened

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