Trump’s Electoral College Power Play in Nebraska Is a Troubling Sign of Things to Come | He’s already pressuring lawmakers to change the rules in his favor. Imagine if he loses.

Source: newfrontier58


  1. Oh if Trump loses November through January is going to be one hell of a stressful period. On the other hand if Trump wins 2025 – 2029 is going to be one hell of a stressful period.

  2. Mysterious-Act7407 on

    This anarchist and convicted criminal should not be able to run for office. The Supreme Court is a joke given him immunity they should be in Impeached!!

  3. sharingsilently on

    Nebraska Republicans waited until it was too late for Maine to counter. Now they will try and shift Nebraska to winner take all on Electoral votes—disenfranchising Omaha.

    So Republican, and just like the Georgia election board changing the rules 45 days before the election (and requiring hand counted ballots?? !!) Proven to be error prone.

    When they are losing they cheat. But cheaters often win. Donate everything you can. Volunteer. Be an American Patriot and vote for Harris.

  4. They mention it’s too late for another state, but wouldn’t this violate the Purcell principle? Admittedly given the state of the courts that’s not clear how it’d go, but it seems like it’d likely at least be stayed till after the election.

  5. TheyCallMeSlyFox on

    If Trump loses, he goes to jail. So, he’s likely going to do almost anything to avoid that outcome/fate. It’s important for all of us to remember this over the next four months.

  6. BryansSecretAdmirer on

    Sounds like they don’t have the votes to do this. One guy changed from Republican to Democrat this year and he wants to run for mayor of Omaha next year, so he likely won’t break and things will stay as is.

  7. Main point from article in case anyone lacks the time for the full thing:

    >It’s hardly a done deal. Pillen has said he won’t call a special session unless legislators demonstrate they have a filibuster-proof majority, and as Nebraska Democrats [have pointed out](, they don’t have the votes right now. According to the [*Nebraska Examiner*](, there’s at least one key holdout with a conflicting professional interest—Republican state Sen. Mike McDonnell, a former Democrat who is reportedly considering running for mayor of Omaha next year. He might want to avoid being known in Omaha as the guy who made Omaha irrelevant. In one of the world’s least reassuring statements, a spokesperson told the *Examiner*Thursday that McDonnell was opposed to any change “as of today.”

    >Whether Nebraska changes the rules or not, though, Graham’s gambit, and the pressure from the Trump campaign, offers an ominous glimpse of a future that looks a lot like the recent past. One of the dominant storylines following Trump’s loss in the 2020 election was the pressure campaign he and his allies mounted on individual Republican officeholders all the way up until January 6. Trump, for instance, invited Michigan Republican lawmakers to the White House and called Republicans in Wayne County to try to pressure them to oppose the certification of Detroit’s election results. He asked Georgia secretary of state Brad Raffensperger in a phone call to [“find” a few thousand votes]( that would put him over the top. Graham, as it happens, [also talked to Raffensperger]( after the election, in a conversation that the election official considered part of a pressure campaign. (Graham denied any ill intention and was investigated but not charged by the Fulton County District Attorney’s office as part of its probe of 2020 election interference.) I don’t think I need to get into how Trump pressured Mike Pence. 

    >This is what November and December will look like if Trump loses at the ballot box: a drumbeat of urgent phone calls with Republicans lawmakers and officeholders in which the Republican candidate tries to cajole them into enabling his desired outcome, whether through legal or extra-legal means. If he doesn’t have the votes on Election Day, he will simply try to “find” them—in legislatures, on boards of supervisors, and in judges’ chambers. 

  8. contemporary_romance on

    Imagine if he loses? what? He’ll be in prison within a few years. And most likely he’ll die there.

  9. stray_snorlax44 on

    He literally told people to find him eleven thousand votes, and when they didn’t, he fomented an insurrection, lol. 

    “Troubling sign of things to come” is an amazing summation. 

  10. We have to stop painting this as Trump’s attack on the election because it is not just Trump; it is the whole GOP that wants this. When you look at voting trends in the nation, it is obvious that the GOP will be a minority party. They are close to losing their power. Instead of doing what the Dems did when they lost power (Dem controlled Congress for most of the 1900)

    They are trying to seize power. This is why Mitch stole the Supreme Court pick from Obama. They want Trump to succeed in overturning the election. They are just hiding behind him hoping we don’t see them.

  11. I think the more troubling scenario is the one that has him winning. Ya know, the one where we become a christ-fascist russian satellite state.

  12. SnooMacarons1185 on

    Can Democrats counter by trying to make Maine a winner take all state? Probably not as corrupt as the shit birds from Nebraska.

  13. Reps Hunt and Cavanaugh will make it hell for them. They killed a whole legislative session to try and protect trans rights. They are amazingly talented women and drive the bootlickers here crazy. 

    The other variable is 1 R rep is setting himself up for a run for mayor of Omaha. He’s a shameless hack with a moral compass that changes with the wind, so his ambition may kill this whole thing. If he folds on this, his chances of being mayor are fucked. 

    Our Republicans are spineless followers though so if they jammed this through it wouldnt surprise me.

  14. Why is everyone worried about if he loses? Even if they try another J6 we’ll be ready this time and POTUS won’t be on their side this time.

    I’m a lot more worried if he wins.

  15. maninthewoodsdude on

    November- January will be miserable.

    Kamala will win but states like Nebraska and Georgia (with Trump-aligned extremists on their election boards) will put the election into contest where the Supreme Court will have to choose. And with a maga Supreme Court it’s gonna be ugly.

  16. So, it’s better if he wins? No I didn’t read the article because the title is atrocious click bait

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