Far-right Rebel News not eligible for journalism tax credits, Federal Court rules

Source: PurfectProgressive


  1. Paragraph 5: “the determination officer found that less than 1% of items reviewed were original news content.”

    Paragraph 10: a second DO, on appeal found less than 2% of reviewed content was original.

    And finally:

    “[42] The three-week news content sample considered by the CRA included 423 news reports. Of this, the Officer on the second determination review found that 283 of the items were not based on facts, nor were multiple perspectives actively pursued, researched, analyzed, or explained by a journalist for the organization. A further 135 of the news items were identified as being curated content or material rewritten from other sources which is contrary to sections 2.34 and 2.35 of the Guidance. The Officer’s report found that 10 of the 423 items reviewed over a three-week period could be considered original news content.”

    “[[50]()] In conclusion, the *Charter* argument is made without any supporting evidence.”

    The respondent is entitled to costs.


  2. If this is a political thing, then I don’t support it.

    If it is because they don’t follow the guidelines for the funding… well boo hoo.

  3. DesharnaisTabarnak on

    Notwithstanding their political slant, a lot of what The Rebel originally reports on is inexorably linked to fundraising for the people featured in said story (ostensibly); in practice these “fundraisers” are really there to pay the bill for lawyers retained by The Rebel except they never stop fundraising off them, even if the “victim” featured no longer wants to be represented by the retained lawyer. It’s solicitation at best and shameless profiteering at worst, neither of which can be remotely called journalism.

  4. Super-Peoplez-S0Lt on

    I guess to be eligible for journalism tax credits, you have to be, I don’t know, actual journalists.

  5. WeightImaginary2632 on

    Far-left or far-right, I really don’t care about, as long as they aren’t calling for harm to people. But this “found less than 2% of reviewed content was original.”, they shouldn’t get funding if they aren’t actually doing journalistic work. That feels just like react content that is done on Youtube.

  6. David Menzies is maybe the only thing approximating a “journalist” in the organization (he’s done some interesting non-political work exposing the OLG and LCBO) and Levant and that Aussie dude’s interviewing of the chief of Pfizer at Davos was surprisingly legit but (with all the fundraising and overtly political campaigning) it’s really an activist group at best lol

  7. Makes sense. They’re a propaganda rag, a purveyor of hate, and a Russian asset. If up to 2% of their content is actual journalism then I, as a private citizen telling my friends about what’s going on in my town, have done more journalism than they have.

    More should be done to curtail their disastrous impact on Canadian society. Here’s hoping there’s criminality involved in their operation so Ezra gets fined or imprisoned.

  8. Glad they don’t get the tax credit. Now, can we do something about the fact that they exist solely to destabilize our country, likely at the behest of Russia?

  9. Financial-Savings-91 on

    Rebel sells conservative victimhood, and misinformation to support the CPC.

    If you think it’s a legitimate source of news, you’re so used to reading the news with a pro-CPC slant, everything else probably seems extremely bias.

  10. Far-right is subjective in this case. Generally speaking i have noticed in Canada that the far-left or far-right ends up a label and name calling game depending who is doing the assessment.

    The current government is quite often labeling everyone that they dont like “far-right” just because disagreement. Probably the next conservative government will do the same by aligning all enemies on the left side.

  11. It’s been taken down, but during the pandemic, I came across a Rebel video that claimed Covid quarantine centers were the beginning of concentration camps for Canadians. They showed an aboriginal community’s covid housing. It had a big fence around it, and the Rebel video claimed it was a secret prototype for future centers to keep people locked up. It was so blatantly stupid. There’s no way anyone would have been able to build a lockup centre for native people without massive nationwide protests. Rebel media is not credible. It’s not news. It’s not journalism.

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