‘I’m right here, bro’: Singh, Poilievre have tense exchange during question period

Source: ClassOptimal7655


  1. It’s all posturing, but just for amusement: I think PP had better hope that nobody decides to “do it” – he looks super scrawny and has a big mouth, lol.

  2. I thought members couldn’t call each other names. Why does Pierre get to call Singh a “fraud” and “phoney ”?

  3. That Fergus doesn’t just lose his shit and yell out SHUT THE FUCK UP WHILE IM TALKING boggles my mind.

  4. There’s no point in broadcasting Question Period ‘for democracy in action’ if you’re going to mute the microphones and just stay on a tight shot of Fergus for full minutes at a time while everything else is going on on the floor.

  5. AprilsMostAmazing on

    >Singh left his seat and walked into the aisle to shout at Poilievre. Two MPs who were in the House told CBC News that Singh said, “I’m right here, bro,” while another said they heard the NDP leader say, “I’m right here.”

    This feels like high school drama where pp is baiting a physical altercation. pp needs to understand if he gets into to it with my man Jagmeet, i’m putting my live savings Jagmeet wins in like 2 punches

  6. > Questions in question period are meant to be directed toward the government, according to House procedures. After Poilievre’s first two questions were directed at the Bloc, ministers stopped rising to respond. Fergus, calling the situation “awkward,” was then forced to return to Poilievre for more questions.

    You’d think someone who’s been an MP for 20 years would know that….

    Of course, Poilievre does, but he’s not gonna pass up a chance to instigate.

    I cannot fathom how anyone sees this petulant troll as a good potential PM.

  7. Question period has been pointless for a long time; neither the questions nor the answers have anything to do with holding the government accountable. But somehow it’s become an even bigger farce: the leader of the Official Opposition directing his “questions” to the other opposition parties, who have no ability to respond directly.

    If we had politicians and parties that were serious about the health of our democratic institutions, something would be done to address how much of a joke question period has become.

  8. Antics like these are not going to win Pollievre any allies in Parliament. I’m not sure how long Singh is going to last as party leader, but I think that the NDP (constituents and party members) more or less supports his tenure for the time being. Possibly Pollievre thinks he can intimidate his way to a majority government fast, but if so, I think he’s very incorrect.

    I will also say, it’s very interesting to see Singh get all of this publicity after his party ended the supply and confidence agreement with the LPC. As a supporter, I can’t say I’m upset about it. The nice thing about the NDP is that when they are able to get into the headlines, it’s usually not for embarrassing reasons. Which is more than I can say for certain other parliamentarians.

  9. How is Poilievre allowed to use that language? Isn’t there some rule in parliament about using that type of term? 

      Poilievre just a coward hiding behind his suit. He had been a politician his while life and never had to face consequences for his actions. His massive pension is secured, he hopes to get it even larger by being PM for a while.

  10. this question period was an embarrassment to taxpayers. You are elected by the taxpayers, act like it.

  11. Manitobancanuck on

    I think this points to Pierre possibly being a one term PM. I struggle to see a scenario where he doesn’t win this upcoming election, whenever it’s called in the next year, but I also struggle to imagine this type of behaviour will be rewarded with a second term.

  12. “He is a fake, a phony and a fraud. How can anyone ever believe what this sell-out … leader says in the future?”

    Well look at the pot calling the kettle black.

  13. Financial-Savings-91 on

    I really don’t like to see this, but the political discourse becomes more toxic by the day. I was hoping with the revelation that they’ve been parroting Russian disinformation because it was supporting their campaign, the rhetoric would get softened, but it seems the CPC are doubling down.

    The frustration is understandable, the CPC and conservative media have been waging a personal campaign against Singh and Trudeau for more than a decade. The amount of personal harassment MP’s are facing is skyrocketing, this is while the CPC openly courts extremists, and meeting with the very groups responsible for some of the harassment.

    This is going to get a lot worse, the CPC campaign is dependant on Canadians giving them getting a majority. They have no intention of trying to work with the other parties in parliament, it’s going to be a nasty, and personal.

    I’m prepared for the most dishonest election campaign in Canadian history, and I’m not looking forward to it.

  14. This sideshow, to me, is very interesting not so much in how Singh acted, I think he’s a poor leader. I think the most interesting thing here is how Poilievre reacted and what he said, it doesn’t sound at all like he is someone the public should be all but ready to crown with a criticism-proof majority.

    It seems to me we are going to be governed by soundbite and Twitter appeal… With no meaningful difference so far in the platforms of the Conservatives and Liberals.

    Frankly, this is catastrophic, the Liberal Party is toast, and they deserve it, the Conservatives are nuts, the NDP is full of ethno-centric cads from south-east Asia… Ironically, if you actually read the Bloc’s positions, they’d be the best suited to govern right now…

  15. Between this incident and Singh approaching the citizen filming him in a threatening manner, you can tell he’s dropping the facade. He is under a lot of stress and his true colours are showing through his bespoke suits and Rolex collection. Turns out the champagne socialist isn’t a good person after all, who’d have thought…

  16. ClassOptimal7655 on

    > Turns out the champagne socialist isn’t a good person after all, who’d have thought

    He’s standing up to bullies. That’s a very good trait! Pierre could learn a thing or too, but he is just a schoolyard bully.

    Isn’t he.

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