Montreal university waives tuition for Quebec Inuit, First Nations students

Source: Calm-Celery6693


  1. Hefty-Station1704 on

    But will they have an accurate and efficient system to weed out fakers and fraudsters. In recent years the news have covers just such cases where universities and First Nations groups didn’t screen people well enough. Shouldn’t be very hard to set the standard to provide an education to those who truly need and deserve it.

  2. Powerful-Union-7962 on

    So if a First Nation student comes from a wealthy family they still get free tuition, whereas a non-Indigenous family close to the breadline will have to pay? What am I missing?

  3. Beneficial_Life_3617 on

    Our society should be based on merit and ability not the colour of your skin, but alas the self-proclaimed “progressives” in this country will argue for the opposite.

  4. Suspicious_Film7589 on

    Note racist at all. letting only one race get a free ride is the exact example of racism. One race above all others.

  5. Solid_Internal_9079 on

    Maybe there is some legal issues or a treaty or something that exists, idk, I’m not particularly educated in that field.

    If this is about helping communities that struggle today due to the injustice of the past, sure, I even get that. However, what I can’t get is a blanket benefit based on your race. We absolutely should try to help those who didn’t get a fair start, who face issues that put them behind their peers.

    I’m sorry but you are not automatically behind the 8 ball if you’re are First Nations. If you’re doing well and can pay for your own education, you shouldn’t have it paid for because you are native.

  6. Just under two thirds of First Nations youth had completed highschool (63%) compared to their non-indigenous counterparts (91%). This is according to stats canada.

    This is a fantastic measure and although a lot of the comments are in disagreement about its fairness, I would argue that it’s a step in the right direction in improving outcomes for one of the most marginalized groups in Canada. This is an attempt by federal government to create equity which yeah its not equal and its not supposed to be, its supposed to level out the playing field for those that are struggling due to historic failures by the Canadian government.

  7. “Studies for some degrees, such as Executive MBA, Master of Investment Management and programs at Concordia Continuing Education, have not been included in the tuition program.” I see they locked the cash cow away from the program…

  8. Free education is essential for helping to level the playing field, especially for Indigenous communities that have faced long-standing systemic disadvantages. However, I believe the concern some people are raising is about ensuring that the support is extended to those in need based on socio-economic factors rather than race alone. While many Indigenous people still face significant barriers, others may be in a better financial position and able to afford tuition.

    I don’t claim to have all the answers, but it might be worth considering how we can design policies that prioritize support for the most disadvantaged—Indigenous or otherwise—so that we are addressing both historical inequities and present socio-economic challenges. Ultimately, our goal should be to extend help to those who need it most.

  9. They were complaining about the funding cuts for out of province students, yet they have money to throw at race based benefits? Disgusting

  10. This is great. So many Inuit students come from communities where there are no options for post secondary(sometimes these places won’t even have a highschool) so you’re forced to leave your village and go somewhere unfamiliar without much of a support system. Over a quarter of indigenous people live in extremely rural or remote communities compared to just 3% of the rest of the population and it’s hard for people coming from a place like that to have to pay for rent and school on top of it while also trying to navigate a new and unfamiliar landscape. Statistics also show that Inuit and First Nations often lag significantly behind in terms of completion of post secondary so hopefully this will help.

    I’d really love to see something like this be available for all Canadian citizens regardless of their background and we know it’s possible because there are plenty of countries that do it(eg. Norway, Israel, Germany, Finland, Brazil, Slovenia, Scotland, etc.)

  11. Just make these programs for poor people and nobody will complain. Natives are disproportionately poor so they would benefit from the program.

    It’s divisive having programs with an ethnic requirement.

  12. Blanched_spinach on

    I think education should be made accessible to all irrespective of what your ethnic background is.

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