Hanson’s animated series satire of Australian politics deserves more attention

Source: WBeatszz


  1. Soft-Butterfly7532 on

    I don’t find them particularly funny but the production quality is better than even the major parties manage.

  2. So where’s the bit where Pauline proposes to solve the financial crisis and national debt by printing more money, so there’s more for everyone? That’s the level of sophistication and analysis on show here.

  3. Admiral what’s the point of your submarines if they can only stay underwater for 20 minutes?

    Hanson a genius for grifting and intelligence fit for being a plank in a dunny.

  4. Even amongst all the bullshit I find it hilarious that they didn’t even attempt to present her like she is irl. I mean she looks nothing like a fat saggy used up old bitter drag queen in this show as opposed to normally.

    And not once have they shown James Ashby trolling around schools for 14yo boys.

  5. Conservative satire is never funny. It’s one thing for Andrew Bolt to launch into a rage-filled rant based on a misunderstood premise, but when comedy launches from that same place, it’s just spiritless.

  6. Outside_Tip_8498 on

    She lost out on the bribes from the American gun lobby when caught on camera and her party now switched to lame animation ? She should stick to what shes really in politics for, money and celebrity reality tv

  7. How people still fall for the Hanson grift is beyond me. If you are a working Australian she doesn’t give a fuck about you.

    She’s probably the most bought and paid for politician in Parliament House and uses culture war nonsense to convince people to vote against their own financial interests.

    Just look at her voting record it speaks for itself.

  8. SkyAdditional4963 on

    Feels like nobody bothered to watch before commenting.

    I’m not going to say it’s funny, but it’s an entertaining way to get across some realities of modern australia and an easy way to point out where we’re fucking up and have some fucked up policies.

  9. Incredibly funny series. I try to remember whenever I see Pauline Hanson, that she is the face of nationalism that was boosted by the media, purposefully highlighted precisely because she presents in a way that will never appeal to the middle classes of the middle of the big cities.
    And that more articulate truly nationalist voices will always be suppressed by the establishment.

  10. Smart_Tomato1094 on

    Needs more attention? She has plenty from American gun companies that her party tried to whore our country to.

  11. So brave. Without this animation I would never have known just how dangerous people with nose rings are to our fragile, white society. /s

  12. Pauline Hanson is only in politics coz she can’t do anything else. $200k p.a. is a great wicket for someone with a tepid IQ and dementia.

  13. “Hey if they’re looking at our cartoon maybe they won’t look at us selling Australia out to American gun companies, LOOK its like South Park haha, remember to share it on Facebook!”

  14. It’s actually not very good on a satire level, most of the episodes have a really basic structure and will usually amount to “both sides are [Redacted] and we would all be better off listening to aunty pauline who is always correct obviously”, i also just don’t like it very much

  15. jimmyjamesjimmyjones on

    Yeah it’s very accurate and funny, of course all the greens/teals/AlP and Libs supporters are going to have a cry about it but.

  16. GaryTheGuineaPig on

    Tough crowd huh!

    It’s supposed to be satirical, a bit like Spitting Image in the way that it pokes fun at the politicians in a light-hearted way.

    I guess she falls into the same category as Issac Butterfield, Joe Rogan, Tommy the Cowboy, Ricky Gervais, Jimmy Carr, Chris Lilly, Dave Chappell & Super w o g.

    In fact, I’d go as far as to say that Pauline could read out the Maccas menu, and there would still be cnts who’d tell her she’d done it wrong or in a disparaging tone.

    What happened to good old Australian humour? If you take yourself too seriously, you’ll never get a root

  17. OkNeedleworker5041 on

    My god this sub is full of leftists… I think my testosterone lowered just from reading these comments.

  18. Find them quite funny, all so like how she is branching out into ideas, what should be made into a cartoon is how when she put forth a bill to bring back the legal definitions of males and females that the greens and labor removed and how they had a melt down when she introduced that bill, also how they brought fourth the self ID laws that effectively did away with biological female sex rights.

  19. It is amazing, truly, how so many people here can see so deeply into the souls of people who disagree with them, that they can say what those other poor benighted characters are really thinking, without them ever needing to speak for themselves. It is quite humbling and we must all be grateful that these wise and kind people are here to guide us with their generous words.

  20. Logical-Leg9133 on

    These are the best love reading the sooky left winger comments makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside

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