Ukraine tells government and army officials to stop using Telegram, warning Russia may have access to communications

Source: semafornews


  1. From Semafor’s Mathias Hammer:

    Ukraine has told government and army officials to stop using the messaging app Telegram, warning that Russia may have access to data and communication on the popular communication channel.

    Telegram has become a vital messenger service on both sides of the war, and has been widely used by Ukrainian soldiers and civilians, despite long-standing concerns that Russia could compromise communications via the app.

    Ukraine’s National Cyber Security Coordination Center announced on Friday that it had decided to restrict the use of Telegram by government agencies, critical infrastructure facilities, and the military.

    A top Ukrainian intelligence official cautioned that Russia could likely access private communications, deleted messages, and personal data on the app, warning that “it is an issue of national security.”

    [Read the full story here.](

  2. This is what I’ve been saying ever since I found out about Telegram and people were downvoting me into the negatives and insisting that Telegram couldn’t possibly be being abused by Russia because their headquarters currently were in the UAE (which is a Russia ally lol) and crap like that.

  3. Didn’t the owner of Telegram explicitly leave Russia when they tried that? Why would he help the government? (If it’s because the french put him in jail, it would be understandable tbh)

  4. They should be using proper comms anyway. I get that telegram is easy to use, but it’s too much of a risk.

  5. Away_Masterpiece_976 on

    These reports are so obvious to me. Russians use this telegram platform all the time, exposing their selves. Of course they have access to this, it’s a russian created / controlled platform.

  6. That’s why I stick to AOL Instant Messenger. Nobody ever thinks to look there. With that being said, ASL?

  7. What is the alternative and how safe would an alternative mode of communication be. Perhaps, Musk can help, but should Ukrainians trust him.

  8. Thought everyone knew only scammers use Telegram lol. Its easy to tell a scam if the person even mentions Telegram. 

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