Poll: Trump losing edge on economy, once his strongest issue

Source: fortune


  1. I think a decisive blue victory is coming… when the GOP is losing ground in Iowa and the economy it’s Hitler in the bunker bad for them.

  2. Cephalopod_astronaut on

    The stock market isn’t “the economy,” but the Dow closed at another record high and over 42,000 today. When Trump was president, it only reached 30,000 after he lost the election to Biden. Trump took credit for it anyway.

  3. He’ll turn our economy into the same type of success as truth social shares if we are stupid enough to return him to the presidency.

  4. It was never one of his strongest issues, it was just one he could bullshit enough to make his cult believe it, just like the border and immigration.

  5. ImmediatelyOrSooner on

    Title should read

    “Fewer gullible people are believing one of Trump’s most fallen for lies”

  6. But, but, but, inflation that is actually worse everywhere else in the world is Hunter Biden’s fault!

    -Trump voter.

  7. This is why they were so pissed at the Fed rate cuts — even though they had been advertised for months.

    Everything’s about Trump. Not the country.

  8. Independent-Bug-9352 on

    – Trump’s own alma mater, The Wharton School, formally endorsed Harris’s economic plan over Trump’s.
    – Goldman Sachs endorsed Harris’s plan over Trump’s.
    – The Fed just cut interest rates.
    – Unemployment is down.
    – Inflation is coming down.
    – Gas prices are coming down.
    – The United States is officially recovering better than literally any other nation in the world post-Pandemic under the Biden/Harris administration.

  9. What edge? His economic plan was massive tariffs on imported goods. Literally every sane economist said this would cause catastrophic inflation and destroy the economy. How did he ever have an edge? He inherited the Obama economy. I’m so tired of the average American having no clue how things actually work in the United States. It’s almost like removing all the civics and government classes from HS was a mistake.

  10. 1. Inflation is under control, and continues to fall.

    2. Unemployment is very low.

    3. Trump’s announced tarrifs would damage the economy with high inflation and being about a recession, as per Goldman Sachs experts.

    4. Trump has no plans and policies to help the economy, only ideas that would bring the economy to its knees and blow the deficit and debt to absolute smithereens.

    Harris is overtaking Trump on “who will do better for the economy” because her plans would help the economy and people are starting to feel better about the current economy.

  11. The belief that being wealthy means an understand the economy is often false . Trump is a con-artist and nothing more. The only thing he will do to the economy loot it for himself and his scumbag buddies. And everyone else will suffer for it.

  12. Billionaires_R_Tasty on

    This makes no sense. He had his own business TV show, *The Apprentice*. And for those who say it doesn’t equate to economic acumen, the show was a *reality* TV show. It was real. It’s right there in the name. Where is Comrade Kamala’s business TV show experience?

    ^Totally ^unnecessary ^/s, ^right?

  13. Why it was ever his strongest issue when he couldn’t run a casino, where all the rules favor the house winning most of the time, never mind what he did to our actual economy or the insane shit he’s promising, is beyond me.

  14. Logical_Basket1714 on

    Trump was only ever considered “strong” on th economy because so few people have any understanding of economics.

  15. snoopingforpooping on

    I encourage anyone saying that Trump will be better for the economy to purchase DJT stock on Monday

  16. This moron can’t run a Cub Scout meeting, to think he’s even close to being able to run the world’s largest economy is the biggest joke in the universe. He’d just do what the other Nazi sociopaths around him want him to do because he’s clueless.

  17. If the Saudis cut oil production between now and November, it will be to spike gas prices before the election.

    While the USA does not import that much OPEC oil, it still pays almost market rates for it.

  18. His entire economic plan is raising tariffs, which is an idea so bad that anyone with a basic understanding of economics knows it would significantly raise prices for Americans. Other than that, he keeps shouting out random ideas that he clearly has no idea of implementing like no taxes of tips or no taxes on overtime. He’s getting desperate and hoping uneducated voters will believe his promises despite a career of breaking nearly every promise he’s ever made

  19. I’d bet my house that he couldn’t pass a high school level Econ exam. I honestly believe that although he knows that consumers pay for tariffs (because he’s been told that), he still doesn’t actually know how they work. Like he legit thinks he can tax China directly.

    Goddamn I’m so sick of people saying Republicans are good for the economy (and that Donald Trump is good at business). It’s literally disprovable with a line graph that a 3rd grader could understand.

  20. Upon until recently Donald was weird but now he is crazy. People believed his economic stuff because they thought it was true. Now they know it isn’t. His great economy is exactly the same as his studio audience.

  21. Scared_Primary_9871 on

    It’s almost like it’s starting to get through people’s heads that saying you are going to bring down prices while simultaneously screaming about lowering interest rates faster (until it happens under a D), deporting 10-20 million workers, and turning the country into a “tariff nation” is beyond fucking stupid.

    His understanding of international economics is stuck in like the 19th century and mercantilism, but even that is probably being too generous to his conceptual understanding. He 100% doesn’t even know what mercantilism is.

  22. It’s so stupid that that was ever seen as his strongest issue when he did/has done exactly ZERO to improve the economy. Nothing. Zilch.

  23. A top tier example of a guy who’s earned nothing (except jail time) riding other people’s hard work to success. Obama built that economy back after 8 hard won years. He walked right into it and trashy it like he did with the fortune he inherited.

  24. We’re busy talking about orange boy and his black Nazi buddy…he’s a felon…eating pet lie…project 2025…Laura looney…his immigrant wife (deport her)…Trump killing the border deal…not passing IVF…him and crazy RFK…I hate TS post, How childish…his dementia…etc.

  25. AFlockOfTySegalls on

    Dumb ass Americans be like “gas was cheap when he was President therefore he good on economy”

    We were in a global pandemic and people couldn’t go anywhere. Of course gas was cheap.

  26. Maybe because he keeps on desperately throwing out insane policy ideas that will not help the economy at all. No tips on OT? Not only completely open for abuse, but terrible for the budget and it completely screws salaried workers. Same with not taxing tips. Next he will say he is not going to tax bonuses, which will be just as insane. Also he recently claimed he would cap credit card rates at 10% which sounds great, but comes with a key caveat, millions of people will no longer qualify for credit cards because it will now be much riskier for credit issuing companies to lend them money. Also I’m not sure he has the authority to do that.

    His economic policies are simply insane and will blow a massive hole in the already massive (due to 40 years of tax cuts and increased spending, the two sabra clause theory) budget deficit.

  27. Once his strongest issue?  Like most republicans they let the Dems do the heavy lifting, then run it into the ground, then watch the next Dem do more heavy lifting and yell “See!?”

  28. Yeah, never understood the people who ever thought something like ‘Trump sure understands economics and business’ is a credible position. To morons. Or smart people with their head deeply shoved into sand to avoid seeing any inconvenient evidence. Many Americans let their party and their country down when both needed them most by not tossing him out of the party based on the literal mountains of longtime systemic fraud and criminality as well as insurrection against all of us. And against the very truth itself.

    The man has admitted and demonstrated that he doesn’t understand the fed, no concept of why separation of powers makes us the opposite of China and is a feature not a bug, and experienced and govt veteran conservatives Bolton and Barr and many others point out he isnt teachable at all and was obsessed exclusively with staying in power above all to a degree they never encountered in any US politician. Yes, that will stank your polls when your campaign is on the ropes and you are just doing the usual careless and lazy ‘winging it, was too busy golfing and rage tweeting to do my job as a candidate’ Trump Show. Maybe he smells the defeat and is like welp, the greens aint gonna be this good at the prison so yolo get my clubs now!

  29. Why was he strong on the economy to begin with? He was just reckless. His unsustainable policies came crumbling down almost immediately, which led to bailout after bailout.

  30. Trump shrunk the US economy by 32%.

    What strongest issue?

    In 1930, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, in an effort to alleviate the effects of the Great Depression, passed a tariff bill called The Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act, which raised tariffs in an effort to collect more revenue for the federal government. Did it work? NO.

    It did not work.

    Now trump wants to impose tariffs as a solution? What a pear-shaped loser. trump belongs in a prison.

  31. I will never understand how Trump is “good for the economy” when we all lived through his 4 years of chaos.

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