Younger Canadians not okay, majority of seniors surveyed content with their lives: StatCan

Source: FancyNewMe


  1. In Brief:

    * “Less than half (48.6%) of Canadians aged 15 years and older were feeling highly satisfied with their lives in 2024, down from 54% three years earlier,” according to Statistics Canada.
    * Notably, the level of life satisfaction for younger Canadians between the ages of 25 and 34 has been declining since 2021.
    * “By 2024, fewer than 4 in 10 (36.9%) of these younger adults were highly satisfied with their lives,” per Statistics Canada.
    * Financial struggles were a contributing factor to the overall decline in life satisfaction. Those who struggled said they had difficulty meeting financial needs in terms of transportation, housing, food, clothing, and other necessary expenses in the past 12 months.
    * The survey was based on Quality of Life indicators, a framework used by the federal government to shed light on the population’s well-being. The categories covered in the survey included prosperity, health, good governance, environment and society.

  2. WestVancouverSucks on

    You are talking about a generation of people who might never be able to buy a home of their own in their lifetimes, no kidding they aren’t feeling “ok” about their lives or futures.

  3. You will no job security, no kids and pay half of your salary to live in a shared apartment and be happy.

  4. speaksofthelight on

    A lot of seniors have over a million dollars in tax free home equity gains but are low income so qualify for all sorts of benefits like the Guaranteed Income Scheme etc. They also get covered pharmacare, and dental.

    Meanwhile young ppl (unless they have help from these wealthy seniors) are basically working people with low assets regardless of income (which gets taxed heavily) competing in a job market that has been flung open to the world and have very high tax burdens.

    This is the Canadian way.

  5. Certain-Emphasis-135 on

    The entire west is being sold out, Canadians are just so friendly they’re getting the speed pass to it 

  6. No-Response-7780 on

    Gen z, an entire generation has essentially been excluded from home ownership and having children. That was done in just 10 years.

  7. Young people with their instant gratification feel they’re “not okay” because they don’t have their dream house, car, career, spouse, and billion$ bank account.  They want them all NOW!!!

    Old people are content that life and the sufferings that come with it is almost over.

  8. half_baked_opinion on

    I wonder why young people are depressed and old people are happy, maybe its because the old people had easy lives where a single person could afford a home and there were enough loopholes in tax laws to allow you to make enough to retire, and then they closed all those loopholes once they had enough saved up for themselves.

    Then they flat out refuse to train people to replace them when they retire from the specialist positions they hold across every job field leaving the next generation undertrained and ill prepared for the workplace which led to more foreign workers coming in and working for 5 years then taking the money they made out of the country which means the government doesnt earn taxes off anything but the currency exchange fees and bank fees.

    Then they keep saying stuff like “oh well back in my day you could work at tim hortons and buy a house or save enough money to go to college” yeah and back in your day housing didnt cost 3 quarters of your minimum wage.

  9. I’m talking from experience here, the seniors in my family are immigrants who come from places with no electricity and the used to wipe their asses with rocks.

    Of course they are content.

  10. This is what happens when we pretend oligopolism is capitalism and let it run wild. Political interference and corporate cronyism are ruining the western world. We reached peak society as an economic empire in the 1970s. The last 50 years represent the beginning of the fall of Western domination. Every empire in history thought it wouldn’t happen to them.

  11. AbundantNatureQ on

    As a senior I have met ABSOLUTELLY NONE other seniors content with there lives- poverty, isolation and being left behind

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