Former PM John Howard says Donald Trump is ‘not compatible with democracy’ in scathing message about US election

Source: Leland-Gaunt-


  1. stop-corporatisation on

    Yeah remember when Trump lied to the nation about WMDs and sent us to war resulting in a few hundred thousand deaths.

  2. Howard is as irrelevant as Luxury Car Tax.

    Both were brought in to achieve something, failed to do so, have no place in modern Australia, and yet somehow we’re still being fucked by them.

  3. Remember when John Howard sold the nation’s telecommunications network…then the company that bought it never upgraded anything! so the Rudd government had to spend billions upgrading it themselves. Then Abbott came in said the plan was shit and made a plan to help out his mates that doubled the cost

  4. Oh I miss the days I thought he was the worst pm we had ever had. Then came abbott and fucking Scomo.

  5. Why are we listening to the guy that started the notion that you can fix the economy by just flooding the country with migrants

  6. GW Bush would be more relatable, conservative and god fearing.

    Trumps style is nothing of the sort it’s rabbid in contrast, Johnies probably miffed that the conservative world has pivoted towards Trumps style of politics.

  7. I think Howard is the most unduly venerated people in Australian history, but he’s right here, and I suspect he’s signaling to both Dutton and the cretinous cheerleaders at The Australian/News Corp. He’s doing the right thing here.

  8. “On Trump, Howard was scathing, saying his behaviour had not been “compatible with democracy”.”

    I think that could be said about many a politician. Lying, immature garbage in the chamber, and betraying the people to their own self interest seems to be par for the course these days.

  9. You know you’ve gotta be pretty bad when a ‘should-be’ war criminal who is only the 2nd sitting Prime Minister in Australia’s history to lose their seat, telling you that you’re not a good person…

    They keep wheeling this old neo-liberal bastard out for comment – Australia turned ugly under Howard and we’ll never recover.

  10. Successful_Video_970 on

    Wow that’s the first time I agree with John Howard since he got rid of semi automatic firearms.

  11. of all the people to come out and say something like that, not who I expected

    I’m sure the people who like people like Howard and Trump are very confused what to think now

  12. myLongjohnsonsilver on

    Lmfao literally no one in the upper echelon of US politics is compatible with democracy.
    They all try to bend shit to suit themselves and only let the process work “democratically” when they know it’s already going to suit them.

    The democrats are just better at convincing the plebs they care about them.

  13. Truth_Learning_Curve on

    **My thoughts on what Howard said**: he’s right.

    **My thoughts on Howard**: I don’t agree with his conservative stances, and *as someone who was directly impacted by his military policies in the form of active service*; I don’t agree with a lot of his policies nor look overly favorably on his tenure as P.M.

    **My thoughts on how this Reddit thread has interpreted and then acted on Howard’s comments**: there’s some positive takes, but a lot of people are focusing on Howard as a politician/person, and not on the content of his message (*a.k.a. Ad hominem*).

    All people are capable of making accurate and factual statements, in this case having an opinion based on facts, on an event. Whether you like them or not, or whether they have done good deeds or not, is not relevant to the statement they make.

  14. The man who ended ministerial responsibility in Australia, and flogged race-baiting lies to win elections has something to say about democracy? FTG

  15. Howard, who single-handedly set up Australia to suffer massively decades later has a bad opinion? Wow!

  16. Will be interesting to see how the manic trump fans who also rave on about Howard being Australias best, react to this bombshell.

  17. Isn’t the smarter call to leave our politicians shutting up about American politics? We need to work with whatever administration they end up with regardless.

    Kevin Rudd screwed up with sharing a hot take on Trump years ago and it ended up compromising our national interests later. Leave the cheers and jeers to the government of the day.

  18. Equivalent-Pie-1643 on

    Just remmeber guys; John Howard has done more damage to Australian middle and lower class, and all future generations to come; than any single politician ever. This is almost like an endorsement for trump at this point; and honestly… its working.

  19. The great defender of democracy ‘Honest John’ Howard. Sure, he frequently vilified and lied about immigrants and minorities when he needed a few extra votes, but he never incited an attack on Parliament House!

  20. First time I’ve ever agreed with John Howard. However he should remind himself of his own many attacks on democracy.. illegal war against Iraq for starters.

  21. InsuranceToHold on

    Who the fuck cares what a former Prime Minister says about anything? His career is over. And especially who cares what he has to say about a former US President?

    Why are people buying into this nonsense? How fucking stupid are you? Nothing we think, say or do will affect the US elections.

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