Reminder in 2022 we thought we had a labour shortage and would struggle to attract people to Australia, thought we were bringing in too little. Shortages are good because it increased the mobility of workers in Australia. Yes, people were getting jobs they we’re under qualified for, but now we can’t even get people into work they are qualified for with the insane competition.

Source: Icy-Profile3759


  1. Beast_of_Guanyin on

    They’re right.

    Economists care about the headline figures. Per those immigration is great. It’s just not great for Australians.

  2. Realistic_Towel_5534 on

    There is not a labour shortage, and even if there was that’s only good for workers, the reason this type of agenda is being pushed is that incompetent politicians has mismanaged the economy for decades, and all the money people have paid in taxes is gone and Baby boomers are starting to retire, so they need more people to pay taxes to keep the ponzi scheme economy going, and that is exactly what it is, a ponzi scheme where they already spend the money people paid into it and to prevent it from completely collapsing they need even more people to pay into it, It’s exactly the same in the US.

  3. Queasy-Reading-7388 on

    And what about the environment cost? Not just of booming population but the general aim of endlessly chasing economic growth? Not many want to talk about that.

  4. Economists: Go big, really big, like 190,000

    Albo: How about 580,000? Then maybe 600,000 next year?

  5. Economists did not call for it. Articles written to sway public opinion are paid for by billionaires who want more for them selves at your expense.

  6. Economists and the government only care about big business and business wants perpetual growth

    That’s why all we get is half cooked ideas on how to fix the issue whilst being constantly reamed by immigration and we watch as problem gets progressively worse and worse.

  7. Gigi Foster has zero idea about balancing the economy with the needs of the people. She wanted everything open, including borders I’m pretty sure, during covid for the good of the economy. Because who cares about the actual people who make up the economy?

  8. I’m ok with more people provided there is a Singapore style HDB that nationalises housing or more housing co-operatives. The elites that live off rent should experience the change in the benefits they receive.

  9. But but but…. the balance sheet looks good. If the balance sheet looks good then you shouldn’t worry about any social crisis. Queue slavery = balance sheet looking amazing.

  10. I personally love the gas lighting by many than 580,000 net migration does nothing to fuel the housing crisis

  11. Guys, guys please remain calm.
    I’m sure the people making these claims have their finger on the pulse of society.
    I’m sure that they’re living on the median income and renting. Right?

  12. They go to university for years to get a degree in economics, and the only policy they can come up with is a Ponzi Scheme.

  13. I am always a bit dazzled somewhere in the depths of Government an Excel sheet (obviously I’m simplifying) doesn’t exist, as new people come into the country, hospitals, schools, roads, houses etc automatically get built so the ratio of people to hospitals, schools etc maintains the same. The Government almost seems shocked they grand visas like lollies, then wonder why the infrastructure is creaking?!

  14. Peter Martin used to be employed by the ABC as an economics commentator and I heard a lot of his opinions years ago.

    I wouldn’t trust his economics at all.

  15. -Johannes-of-ZA- on

    Gotta keep the cost of housing going up. It’s the only way all those covid mortgages don’t go sub prime.

    Welcome to little old Aus’ ponzi scheme.

  16. benjamatic4thepeople on

    Is it a coincidence that the economists quoted are from two of Australia’s largest universities who entirely unrelatedly rely on increasing numbers of overseas immigrants for their funding?

  17. Honestly get all the economists together in a room and eject them to mars. I have zero respect for their profession.

  18. Just shows the majority of the top end of town is just in it for themselves.. wonder how rich these alleged academics are…

  19. Happy to live 8 to 10 to a house, they lock out Aussie first home buyers. Even worse in Victoria for renters.

  20. Uuummm the economists were right we should have aimed for record immigration of 190k. Instead we got 500k

  21. Fast_Hovercraft_7380 on

    At this rate, I think brown/yellow/black people will outnumber the whites by the end of the century. I’m from south east asia and I don’t even want that lol.

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