Most Canadians want fewer new immigrants accepted in 2025: Nanos survey

Source: yahooxy


  1. Doesn’t take a genius to figure this out, Canadians want less slave labour in the country. Only corporate employers want the slave labour.

  2. 0 would be prefered till we figure out who shouldnt be here to begin with and how we service the rest along with actual canadians but apparently its racist to suggest such things now.

  3. How about we take a break from immigration for 5-10 years while we absorb the millions we’ve recently taken in?

  4. Remember when all the “racists” were bringing attention to the immigration bombardment into Canada many years ago?

    Literally everything the Trudeau government resorts to name calling has resulted in a worse quality Canada a few years later. Now here we are.

  5. Usual_Durian2092 on

    wait what ? I have it on good authority that Canadians have a very high “social capacity” for immigration …

  6. The fact 36% of the people don’t know or want more to me is still lunacy. I believe the only people who want more i suspect are corporations and people still waiting to bring over more family members. Regardless, anybody who still wants a better standard of living for existing Canadians and immigrants knows that immigration needs to pause for quite some time. Immigration standards and policies will also need a reform. Some may disagree but those already here with no desire to mingle may also consider leaving by choice.

  7. Canadians are tired of feeling like foreigners in their country while their quality of life perpetually declines.

    Canada should aiming to allow zero people into the country for at least a decade, and even better would be a negative immigration rate.

  8. No shit. I’m all for immigration but we took more than the economy, housing and job markets could assimilate both this and last year. Maybe we shouldn’t do that again and wait for the markets to stabilise first.

  9. Canadians are tired of feeling like foreigners in their country while their quality of life perpetually declines.

    Canada should aiming to allow zero people into the country for at least a decade, and even better would be a negative immigration rate.

  10. Yeah, and water is wet. The Liberal’s main plan for economic prosperity in Canada is simply letting in millions of people. That doesn’t make a country prosperous. In fact, the poorest countries on the planet often have huge population numbers.

    Government pensions in Canada are a ponzi scheme; more and more people coming to pay for our pensions, but those millions of immigrants will be retiring too.

    Wages are stagnating because of the issues with cheap labor and underpaid immigrants. Housing and rent are through the roof because nobody built any homes for the throngs of people coming here. Toronto landlords want 12 months rent up front and they get it. Foreign students are prostituting themselves for money, and sometimes in lieu of a rent payment.

  11. Most Canadians don’t matter and will continue not to matter in 2025: Politician and Executive survey

  12. I’m not opposed to more immigrants but I want a plan, an integration plan and a housing plan and an employment plan….none of those things seem to exist.

  13. This should read most canadians want to reduce immigration back to reasonable amounts, with skills that are vital immediately. Shut down the no skill /low skill portion immediately.

  14. lizardelitecouncil on

    Anyone who’s down for this amount of immigration is profiting off it. If I was a greedy corporate pig fuck I’d whistle a different tune.

  15. ReflectionFrequency on

    There are too many people for our infrustructure to support now. Our roads, hallways, bridges, subways, busses, sidewalks etc were not made for this number of people.

  16. Duh…the kicker however, it doesn’t matter what millions of Canadians want, only what a small handful of corrupted Politian’s want. What a broken fucking system.

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