Government documents reveal ASIO checked all Palestinian visa holders in March — testing Coalitions lax security claims

Source: ButtPlugForPM


  1. so peter dutton,lied again..

    Wow must be a day ending in Y

    If the ALP made as many batshit claims as this the media would be calling themunfit to govern,yet it seems fine when the libs do it

  2. Pipeline-Kill-Time on

    The coalition stirring up hatred and division for no reason, who would have thought.

    Pretty disgusting that they’ve undermined our national security institutions to the point that this needs to come out.

    Not that this will satisfy Dutton, since he thinks they’re all security threats.

  3. >Government documents reveal ASIO checked all Palestinian visa holders in March

    Wow, so you’re telling me a security agency did its job… But that also maybe a role of a security agency isn’t to public detail every process they do for… Potential secrecy???

    Why that would mean Dutton and the LNP are using National Security topics like political footballs?!? I can’t ever believe that since the last time they literally did this

    >testing Coalition’s lax security claims

    Good old ABC; can’t outright state or imply that Dutton was talking bullshit, gotta give them some “””wriggle room”””.

    Anyway, whatever, Dutton has forgetten about that topic (mildly curious why the sudden drop-off, guess he just likes to switch up topics so folks don’t just get use to “muh immigration” or “muh economy” attacks each week?)

  4. Were they all vetted before the visas were issued? Or were some security checks done after this?

  5. Checked them how? There’s unfortunately a reason refugees languish for years in detention centres and it’s precisely because there’s no real way to actually vet them.

  6. FullMetalAurochs on

    We are in a weird position in this conflict. Australia has taken this side of Israel over Palestine and yet it’s Palestinians we’re taking in. Some vigilance is warranted given that Hamas members slipping through the cracks would see Australia as a viable target given our cooperation with Israel.

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