Ontario Would Be Fifth-Poorest, Quebec Second-Poorest, U.S. State | National Review

Source: AveryLee213


  1. If you’re going by GDP per capita then Canada overall would be the second or third poorest US state.

  2. Income disparity in the US is truly amazing. Take out the top .1%, and the US gdp per capita drops 40%.

  3. Go walk thru the poorest areas of urban and rural America to see what their superior gdp per capita has accomplished for them.

  4. Not surprised. US oil production has skyrocketed to eclipse even Saudi Arabia as world’s largest producer. And then you have fracking which they’ve also gone big on.

    Meanwhile you need a decade worth of meetings with native groups to consult (read payoff) and you still have some province that grandstands to block any pipelines.

    Outside of natural resources the US also has silicon valley.

  5. Educational-Tone2074 on

    We’ve hobbled ourselves due to unnecessary idealim and politics brought in by the Liberals. 

    Near impossible now to do an major project without all kinds of insane reviews, paperwork, and red tape. 

    Liberals have done zero to take down interprovincial barriers.

    Foreign investment is down by a lot because Canada now has a reputation for being very difficult to do business in. 

    The Liberals basically flat out ignored economics (budget balances itself!) for flowery social causes. We are paying for it now.

    Saving the dear leaders job seems to be the only aim now and the party has gotten into bed with separatist to do so. Liberal Party before country here. 

    We only have stagnation now to look forward too. 

  6. Chemical_Signal2753 on

    From what I have seen, the top 80% of Americans are generally better off than the top 80% of Canadians, but the bottom 20% of Canadians tend to be better off than the bottom 20% of Americans. With that said, I think the last 10 years have been brutal for the bottom 20% of Canadians without being good for the top 80% of Canadians, so I’m not sure this still holds true.

  7. LionAndLittleGlass on

    I dont understand the boner everyone has for continually saying Canada is terrible and everything is broken. I am unhappy with the state of a number of areas but the hyperbole is AWFUL

  8. The rich are richer, and the poor are poorer in the USA.
    For example, drive across the border from Niagara Falls, Canada, to Niagara Falls USA.

    I don’t think anywhere in canada has a city as bad as that one.

  9. I’m honestly not seeing how the quality of life in the U.S. is better than what we have here in Canada. What is it, exactly, that they have that we don’t have?

    – health? No, on the whole we’re healthier and live longer

    – education? No, on the whole we’re better educated, with more of us completing post-secondary education

    – leisure? No, we tend to have longer vacations than Americans. We also travel more

    – safety? No, we live in one of the safest countries in the world, without anything like the same level of fear

    – housing? Recently it hasn’t been easy in Canada, there’s no denying that – but it hasn’t been easy for Americans either

    – culture? We have everything the U.S. has, except maybe Indycar racing, but we also have CanCon

    – freedom? Canada is one of the most free countries in the world; we are also one of the most tolerant and diverse

    So as others have commented, this shows that maybe GDP isn’t exactly the best way to measure the well-being of a society (or maybe I’m missing something really important?) Maybe the U.S. has a higher GDP because, on the whole, things are more expensive there, especially things that really matter, like health care and education.

    I don’t know. But I do know that by and large I’m not feeling the urgency to increase productivity and wealth that will simply be swallowed up by large corporations just to make the numbers better.

  10. Honest question. Does the extremely high cost of US healthcare and its insurance profiteering inflate their GDP? This would naturally skew it higher, no?

  11. Spiritual_Form5578 on

    Quebec, right now, have the highest life expectency and lowest crime rate in all north america, provinces and states alike.

    Maybe the real conversation should be the definition of povrety.

  12. It’s apparent many Canadians are incapable of internalizing any data that contradicts the grand mythologies. Rather than address our economic and social decline you get red herring diversions and other fallacies. The OECD predicts Canada will be the worst performing advanced economy by 2030, and it will only continue to get worse. Goldman Sachs estimates Canada will rank lower than Mexico and slightly above Nigeria, eventually falling out of the top 15.

  13. I can’t wait to see all the people coming here telling us that “everything is fine” in Canada.
    It itsn’t

  14. Speaking_MoistlyT on

    I wish Canadians would stop thinking this country is doing so well and we are better than the Americans. All we have is free health care and bike lanes. That’s it. There’s nothing good about this place to set us apart.

  15. This is total bullshit because it uses per capita GDP instead of median wealth.

    Per capita GDP means one billionaire and a 99 homeless people with no posessions is ranked higher than 100 people who each have $9 million.

    Canada’s median income AFTER TAXES is 50453 USD while USA’s is 37800.

  16. If Alberta and Saskatchewan joined the US would Canada even be able to keep itself afloat financially?

  17. I wish people would stop posting this student misrepresentation. By this metric Germany would be poorer than Mississippi. No one in their right mind thinks this is the case

  18. AntiqueDiscipline831 on

    What are we measuring though? Cause all this is measuring is total GDP per number of residents. It doesn’t measure living conditions. It does tend to correlate to measures of living standard, but that isn’t always the case.

    It also doesn’t take into account unpaid labor like childcare which Canada typically has a lot better programming for this and it also doesn’t take into account income inequality which would skew results

    Also aspects of an economy that are “planned” (like our healthcare) will lessen our GDP numbers, therefore lessening the GDP per capita numbers.

    There are so many problems with this lol

  19. 90% of Americans have health insurance. I don’t know why people act like Americans don’t have coverage for health care.

    Everyone but the poor are better off in America.
    Salaries are higher and cost of living is lower.
    If you lived in Texas with a good middle class job your money will go a longer way if you lived in Ontario with a similar job.

  20. And here it is folks. Right out of the American funded province.

    American comparisons should ring empty and worthless, we aren’t and don’t want to be that.

    We want to be Canada. Fuck measuring with money, it doesn’t work. I’ll measure with school shootings, assassination attempts, violent crime. They’re win ing in all categories!

  21. Hour-Locksmith-1371 on

    This is based entirely on per capita GDP right? Isn’t that a measure of productivity? If so it’s a bullshit comparison since productivity has greatly increased last 50 years while wages have not. Also ffs I’ve been to Mississippi and Arkansas and it’s nothing like Ontario outside of native reserves

  22. IllustriousChicken35 on

    Wow, more alarmist garbage to try and pretend we are somehow fading in QOL and worse than even the states, from NATIONAL REVIEW of all places.

    Don’t listen to the fucking morons on this sub pretending Canada is becoming a 3rd world country. Go outside and see how great this country is first-hand.

  23. A meaningless statistic without comparing cost of living and quality of life, particularly for the average person/income.

    It’s embarrassing this sub posts this kind of slop.

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