O’Toole says he considered expelling a Conservative senator over foreign influence concerns

Source: ClassOptimal7655

1 Comment

  1. Just noting that concerns about ex-Senator Victor Oh have been around for a while, like in this article form 2017:

    >Last week, the Globe and Mail released a lengthy report showing Conservative and Liberal senators and Members of Parliament had taken 36 trips to China sponsored by Beijing or Chinese business groups since 2006.

    >Two of those who accepted, Tory senator Victor Oh and Ontario Liberal MP Geng Tan, apparently met with officials working for China’s United Front initiative, aimed at building support for Beijing’s policies among Chinese communities overseas and influencing the countries in which they live.

    >There were no groans from the rest of Parliament. Opposition members made no jeers about Tan’s trips and meeting with China’s officials tasked with managing Chinese diaspora. No calls of “shame” from the back benches.

    >Dermod Travis, of the independent government watchdog Integrity BC, said it’s not surprising no mention of the report was made in Parliament because it crosses party lines. But that doesn’t mean glossing over it is acceptable, he said.


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