Estonia signals readiness to preemptively strike Russia to defend NATO

Source: Evermoving-


  1. Common-Wallaby8972 on

    I understand the fear of the Baltics, but this is absolutely not the way. There is way too much historic/contemporary isolationism in the United States to support a NATO ally that preemptively attacks.

  2. The_Great_Googly_Moo on

    A preemptive strike goes against what NATO is, a defensive treaty. Therefore if Estonia or Poland or any other country attacked no other NATO state would be obliged to support them. Which could be a good thing or a bad thing, based on the fact that it wouldn’t really take too much to topple Putin’s government at this point

  3. Honestly at this point, i would probably back the Estonian army to take Moscow in three days. How far Russia has fallen…

  4. If Estonia is counting on rest of NATO joining the attack or at least come to defense of Estonia, I would say think twice as NATO was created as defensive against Russian attacking first to member country.

  5. Good.

    In theory, NATO is a defense alliance. But what exactly defense is?

    If right now Russia, North Korea, Iran will begin to produce hundreds of nukes each, and supply them among allies, then, what, NATO officials will just say: “NATO is only about defense, so even when our enemies if strengthen themselves we just cannot do anything with this.”?

    It’s absurd. The same absurd that lead to modern World where only 20% of World’s population live in free countries and most nuclear countries at lest have autocratic tendencies.

    World which was created also by NATO passivity.

  6. US_Sugar_Official on

    Russia would like nothing better than for Estonia to give up mutual defense treaty protections, whoever came up with this cum brained PR stunt needs to be escorted directly to the nearest airlock.

  7. i7Rhodok_Condottiero on

    Readiness is good. But they have a very small population so they need a lot of fire power.
    Also, relying on allies is dangerous. It is good to have allies but it is bad to rely on them for total victory.

  8. SuspiciousFishRunner on

    Estonians, I like you. But let’s not play right into Russia’s hand and show how much of NATO is only a defensive alliance in theory.

  9. Showing/saying that you are prepared to make the first move is a defensive move otherwise you just don’t talk openly about it.

  10. Less_Tension_1168 on

    This is where it all begins. Defending NATO which is the right thing to do but this is the beginning of a big problem. Russia started it NATO and alliances will clean this mess up.

  11. Stunning-Positive186 on

    Estonia should be more careful. It’s a new world order post 7/10. Russia would, by The Gaza Precedent, be justified in obliterating Estonia in self-defence.

  12. It looks like the General was signalling that NATO is in fact on board. A preemptive strike, is, by definition, a defensive maneuver.

    As stated in the article, if Russia started plans to invade another NATO country (troop buildup/movements/escalated invasion of airspace/etc), Putin dude, they’re not going to wait for you to hit first, so chill with the rhetoric and rattling.

    That seems like the message here.

  13. Alright Estonia just chill out alright. All we need is Estonia to launch a preemptive strike and then Trump gets elected and lets the baltic states get pummeled.

  14. Estonia’ like the dude from Dazed and Confused thinking they can get the pot shot on the big bad and the crowd will step in before they’d have to go 1v1

  15. SuspiciousFishRunner on

    It’s crucial to recognize that NATO’s effectiveness relies on collective action. While all NATO members are treaty-bound to respond (which doesn’t mean it has to be military, mind you) to an attack on a member state, willingness to act and actually doing so will heavily depend on political will in the individual states. Which is instantly the biggest weakness of NATO and one Russia is well aware of. I highly doubt Hungary, Turkey just to name two would get behind Estonia if this were to happen, or in general will actual turn out to be reliable partners in case of a war with the Russians.

  16. An attack on ONE is an attack on ALL. This is a totally unavoidable powder keg. There’s no one named Franz Ferdinand or Unified germany.

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