India deplores Iran leader’s remarks on Muslims: ‘Misinformed, unacceptable’

Source: kakarotsingh


  1. > He added, “The enemies of Islam have always tried to make us indifferent with regard to our shared identity as an Islamic Ummah.”

    That’s what many Western college kids don’t understand. It’s not about Palestine, India, or any other nation or made up nation; it’s about Iran’s Islamic regime and its 1979 plan to take over the world. Islam rejects the concept of nation-states.

    The cross-generational plan for global domination is the only thing guiding the Islamic Republic.

  2. Mahmoud Abbas, returning from China, said they are right to “punish” the Uighurs, because, after all, there were terrorists!

    Apparently the same with Iran, Ok with China, not other countries.

  3. PoliticalCanvas on

    India finance Russia -> Russia give to Iran nuclear technologies and empower Iran -> India “deplores Iran leader’s remarks”…

  4. India has long harboured minorities fleeing religious persecution. Muslims included. And including the Zoroastrians who fled Iran.

  5. Creating an arguement with India. Anything to deflect away from Hamas and Hezbollah getting virtually wiped out.

    Just how many Hezbollah members have two hands, two eyes and two testicles now?

  6. To be fair I am not sure the IRCG really treats their minorities that much worse than their majority. Of course, that’s only because they treat their majority like shit.

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