Is this progress? wtf happened

Source: Damianhvs


  1. itscalledWEHOnow on

    Americans either need to learn how to live in dense housing or they can forever expect to pay a premium. 

    Condos and townhomes are the only solution to the affordable housing crisis. There’s simply not enough space to build single family homes in an affordable and environmentally friendly way. 

  2. This why having a ‘minimum living wage’ is imposible. The market will shift price of goods to what people are willing to buy them for. For the second picture, because of the inflation of the US dollar people have been putting money in real estate instead to beat inflation and not devalue their hard earned cash. It sucks to be right now.

  3. Capitalism has always been about making the rich richer and the poor poorer. Capitalism is working exactly as it’s supposed to.

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