Donald Trump claims B.C.’s ‘very large faucet’ could help California’s water woes

Source: ubcstaffer123


  1. Wish we could shut down Trump’s faucet spewing out so much crap. His supporters too willing to believe his lies are facts.

  2. DualActiveBridgeLLC on

    How about you fix you water management in the US first before you come looking to Canada? Their current system is directly leading to shortages.

  3. I hope Americans don’t get the idea of including water rights in the next round of USMCA negotiations.

  4. Fisherman123521 on

    “So you have millions of gallons of water pouring down from the north with the snow caps in Canada and all pouring down,” Trump said at a press conference at his Los Angeles golf course.

    “And they have essentially a very large faucet. And you turn the faucet and it takes one day to turn it. It’s massive.”


  5. How about the US fuck off? If they want to BC’s fresh water how about we sell it to them at 10000$ per liter of water. If they don’t like it, they can piss off.

    Maybe if they didn’t let nestle and saudi arabia pump the water out of the US country.

  6. UrWifesSoftPecker on

    The man’s a moron, pay him no attention.

    edit: Sorry, did i say moron? i meant stable genius.

  7. Donald Trump is a dangerous moron. That’s all you need to know. Pray he doesn’t win the presidency again, as we are all in deep shit if he does.

    Listen to the logic: BC’s water runs off to the Pacific ocean, which is a waste when it could be diverted south.

    Does he not know the Pacific ocean goes right past California too? Does he know anything about the hydrologic cycle? Or de-salinization plants? Or the regulatory hurdles and cost to bring water down through the Pacific Northwest to California?

    Fuck Donald Trump. Fucking naked emperor if ever there was one.

  8. They could build a pipeline at the mouth of the Fraser River, sell them the water for a very high price

  9. If there was a big faucet, Mr Trump, we would shut it right off

    But there isnt.

    And BC likely doesnt want to do business with California. They never paid their bills for all the power BC sent during rolling brown outs a bunch of years back

  10. LackingInDesire on

    So what he’s talking about here is the Columbia River Treaty. Which sees the US and Canada coordinate water flow levels through the Columbia basin. The US even paid for half the Dam’s on the river in Canada.

    The agreement reached its natural end date on Sept 16, 2024. There is a 10 year exit clause. By the sounds of it, he’s going to put pressure to increase water flow into the US.

    Ultimately it’s entirely up to Canada though.

  11. Ok_Currency_617 on

    Realistically it was always going to be us shipping water to the US. Trump is just putting words to what we all know was going to happen. Especially with the move away from oil, we will have all these pipelines to the US I assume could be refurbished.

    No idea if it’s totally impractical, but one way of desalination is to freeze water. So I’m assuming mass desalination is easier to do in a colder climate near freezing.

  12. Why not build a big ass desalination plant instead? Sure I know it takes lots of power, but we need more fresh water and ocean has unlimited amounts of water.

  13. >Antweiler said it’s best to take comments like this one with a grain of salt.

    I think anything Trump says should be taken with a grain of salt. The problem is if he becomes president, he may actually pursue it, like when he tried to buy Greenland.

  14. UnfriendlyFire9 on

    Pretty sure the irony of hosting a water management presser at a golf course is lost on him.

  15. I think we’re finally at the full-on dementia stage of Old Don’s decline here. This is unseemly.

  16. He usually doesn’t say something like this unless someone has put a bug in his ear. They know how to play him. He may say it weird and stupid sounding but now the subject is out there and they can ramp up the propoganda. His evil handlers know how to fan the flames.

  17. Original-Cow-2984 on

    Well, if you didn’t grow massive fields of lettuce and build huge cities in deserts and places that aren’t able to support them, it might help. The big brains down south can figure it out for themselves. Trim a little off your budget and desalinate the Pacific water you need.

  18. I have a long game theory that the water wars will destroy canada. The US will start asking for join projects, then hostility for lack of progress, then animosity, then local Canadian politicians will get American  money and become sympathetic, then a prime minister in Canada will say enough us enough, then CIA intervention… if that does not work… war. We end up like Mexico loosing a large portion of the country. 

  19. Itwasuntilitwasnt on

    When oil sands run out. This is our next cash in opportunity. But this time let’s negotiate for the ppl. Not the big businesses everyone gets a cut. We will have to build a pipeline from far far north down through to Michigan.

    Americans don’t know it yet but from the mid America to the south will eventually dry up and they will either attack us to the north for water or buy water from us.

  20. The U.S. knows nothing about conservation. Whether it’s oil, water or pollution, it’s always bigger is better, more more MOAR!

  21. Its the biggest faucet and Canada isnt using it they still cant figure out how to put their pants on its true, they said to me , they really did they said “Donald You cant just invade British Colombia Donald its a bad idea”

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