Evacuation of munition with secondary explosions from the drone strike in Torepets, Russia

Source: TruePilny


  1. …. What the hell is going on here… the car moving from the force of explosions? Or is someone literally driving away in an exploding truck with zero care.

  2. This is the most Russian thing I’ve ever seen.

    Nobody told me *not* to follow orders if my cargo is detonating and my ass is on fire

  3. For_All_Humanity on

    This is not from Torepets. This is a meme being spread on Twitter. No one is evacuating anything from Toropets.

  4. Move the truck out of the way and we can kill the fire from the truck before working on the bigger fire. Divide and conquer dimitri!

    – Russian mindset probably:

  5. Environmental_Fix488 on

    After the explosion we all saw there is nothing left in one km from the epicenter. But this is hilarious.

  6. Signal-Reporter-1391 on

    “Dima, Truck is burning.
    Quick Dima: drive Truck to Ukraine and go bomb some house”

  7. 1Wheel_Smoke_n_Toke on

    ….but…that….was on fire, most people would say those explosives in that truck aren’t savable anymore. The idiot is just driving a bomb waiting for it to explode. Maybe I’m wrong and explosives that are already on fire can be saved.

  8. BarelyContainedChaos on

    Drive these explosives outta here!

    But I might die

    That’s a risk we’re willing to take

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