Speaker of Russian Senate calls for ‘child-free movement’ to be banned

Source: shellfishb


  1. Are they also going to do the same with those degenerate Western “God Free”, “Sugar Free”, “Meat Free” and “Alcohol Free” movements..? /s

  2. Where will the government get cannon fodder if russians stop having babies? Isn’t that what the article implies?.

  3. So, they are forcing women to produce not even children, but soldiers?
    And is a “woman” let alone human who propose this?
    She must have over 10 kids to give an example. Oh wait, she only has one.

  4. The_Electric_Mayham on

    Russia’s age profile demographics are already irretrievably fucked, and that was before they sent a generation of young men into the meat grinder.

  5. Pretty sure you also need men to have children, you know, the people they keep sending off to die for Putin’s new Soviet pipe dream.

  6. TheWhomItConcerns on

    >“Initially, when feminism was in its infancy, it was based on the sound idea of fighting for equal rights for women,” Matviyenko said, adding that feminism had since “degenerated” in the West, becoming both “radicalised” and “militant”.

    Man, this rhetoric is so tedious and exhausting. One of the strange phenomena of this age is watching politicians parrot the exact same specious talking points word for word that you see on incel/manosphere forums and other depraved corners of the internet. I guess the Russia state is the originator of a lot of it, so it makes a lot of sense.

  7. Wide_Connection9635 on

    I remember mentioning this in another post.

    We are individuals, but we are also part of a society.
    This is especially true in the West where we want government to provide things for us (healthcare, transit, education, welfare, security, policing…) We don’t live in some rural libertarian paradise where individual rights are supreme.

    The idea that government will just ‘give’ and never expect anything from the people to keep/grow the society is delusional.

    In the past, men were often expected to at least serve in the military/draft as that is how you’d be a party of society would be to at least defend it.

    To think governments won’t be enacting various measures to bring up birthrates to at least replacement levels… is ‘naive’ I’d say. Expect government to intervene in sexuality, family, immigration… as brith rates become a threat to the society (in as much as say war would). And in these extreme cases, your rights become much less important than the greater surivival of the society.

    And yes, some women are actually capable of thinking about society as a whole. They’re not all just concerned with how much sex/money they can get. Just as some men actually have to look at the big picture of society. The people saying ‘but she’s a woman’ are incredibly sexist. Would you think the same if it was a ‘man’ asking men to go to war or drafting them? They’re not looking out for the general interest of men?

  8. soualexandrerocha on

    In the book World War Z, Russia becomes a theocracy.

    It’s getting more likely by the day.

  9. “If everyone gets pregnant right now, then in 17 or 18 years we can send even more people to die in meatwave assaults! The enemy will run out of bullets eventually!”

    … that’s their angle.

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