FFS – While Australians are struggling to survive, our government finds $600m to give away to the NRL.

How much Public housing would $600m build?

Source: No_left_turn_2074


  1. Beast_of_Guanyin on

    You know it’s not one or the other right?

    There wasn’t two buttons and the feds picked overseas aid over domestic housing.

  2. LooseAssumption8792 on

    It’s not NRL, funds sent via NRL but essentially this is strategic investment to secure national borders. PNG can easily allow port access to china where the Chinese can easily set up a military base within 150 kms of Australia. I know this sub can be a bit dense at times, but this is how international diplomacy works.

  3. Spicey_Cough2019 on

    I can’t buy a house but thank god PNG got funding for a new rugby team…

    Albanese, I voted for you because you were going to look after the middle class.

    Your party has become so out of touch the only other option I have is the sustainable australia party or an independent I don’t care much for.

  4. SocialMed1aIsTrash on

    Fuck the general public are so stupid when they seem money spent on diplomacy. I’m glad you don’t call the shots

  5. Motor_Memory1747 on

    Three times the amount that the Feds are providing for the Hobart stadium. You can trust Albo to put foreigners first.

  6. This is fantastic news. The NRL is the best rugby league competition in the world and it would be great if it was expanded beyond just nz and png.

    Vlandys is one of the best ceos the league has ever had.

  7. Single_Conclusion_53 on

    Australia gives over $500 million annually in aid to PNG. This NRL deal helps PNG social unity and sporting cultural development AND is an unbelievably cheap option for fighting Chinese influence in the region. It’s significantly cheaper than buying military equipment to protect Australia.

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