PM fact-checked on X

Source: marketrent


  1. From the [linked article]( by Anton Nilsson:

    >Albanese [wrote on X]( that “the Liberals and Greens just voted to block more help to buy a home” and was corrected by a “community note” pointing out that the bill had not, in fact, been blocked.

    Separately, Housing Minister Clare O’Neil uploaded a [Facebook photo]( and [YouTube video]( that also state, “The Liberals and Greens just voted to block more help to buy a home.”

  2. teddymaxwell596 on

    Why is anyone using Twitter any nore? It’s a right-wing cess pit anyway and the more he, the press or anyone else uses it the more revenue Musk the lunatic collects

  3. Sunburnt-Vampire on

    >“They should be putting politics to the side and letting our government get on with the job of helping Australians.

    Ahh yes, because asking Greens to “stop caring about politics and rubber stamp our policies please” is definitely going to work. Didn’t realise last election I was voting for Barbara Pocock’s platform of being Labor’s loyal rubber stamper.

    It’s honestly shocking that this far into a senate-minority term Labor **still** has an attitude of “we have a majority lower house so we deserve to pass legislation as-is”.

  4. Same shit, greens voted to stop the bill, they will claim it is to give them more power but its just standard behaviour of fight whatever the major parties are pushing regardless of the policy.

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