Russian army to overtake United States as world’s second largest

Source: TheTelegraph


  1. ***The Telegraph reports:***

    The Kremlin said that it is growing its army to be the second largest in the world as a result of the [threat from the West](

    Vladimir Putin signed a presidential decree ordering the regular size of the Russian army to be [increased by 180,000]( troops to 1.5 million active servicemen.

    The International Institute for Strategic Studies, a military think tank, said the increase would result in Moscow’s armed forces leapfrogging both India and the US to become only second to China in size.

    Dmitry Peskov, the spokesman for the Kremlin, said: “This is due to the number of threats that exist to our country along the perimeter of our borders.

    “It is caused by the extremely hostile environment on our western borders and instability on our eastern borders. This demands appropriate measures to be taken.”

    **Read more:** [****](

  2. maybe in terms of number of troops, what with their draft and all.

    i would wager that US troops have better equipment and training than those comrades

  3. **Place your bets**: ~2Million raggedy-ass convicts, farmers and teenagers using 1970’s technology VS ~2Million trained soldiers with cutting-edge technology.

  4. wabashcanonball on

    I don’t see how they even have this many draft age men? Where are these men coming from? And who’s going to replace them in the economy?

  5. Unfortunately It is not the middle ages anymore. Raw numbers are absolutely meaningless. Technology is what matters.

  6. Not_A_Bot_Ur_J_Mad on


    They still stand no chance of winning a conventional war with the US

    But good luck with those T-54’s, I guess

  7. HermionesWetPanties on

    They’re talking quantity, not quality.

    It’s embarrassing to read this kinda bullshit after 2022. Size only matters if you know how to use it. Ukraine cuckholding Russia highlights the advantage of motivation as well as western materiel and training. Send more lambs to the slaughter. The abattoir is open 24/7.

  8. When you conscript your population you can make these claims. I bank 300 Marines or Army guys with basic kit will be enough to take down the entire Russian military.

    With enough rednecks we will have their armor doing more than they ever could.

  9. Moscow is running an army that can’t even wage a “special military operation” against land they controlled 30 years ago for literally centuries. Putin running an army that suffered more military casualties since the army of Saddam Hussein.

    Bigger isn’t always better.

  10. presbyvestibulopathy on

    Wow.. I’d never expected that I could see human-wave strategy in 2024 again.

    Insane Putin…

  11. How can he just say “I want the second biggest army in the world “ well his soldiers die every day and people assume this is going to happen?” Like he didn’t want this before the war.

  12. Nonsense_Producer on

    Second largest what? Certainly not an army. More of a hodgepodge collection of drunkards, junkies, prisoners and mentally ill. “Hey, look! We have the largest collection of unmotivated, ill equipped, ill fed people that totally lacks discipline and are useless as soldiers!”

  13. I call bull shit.

    Putin only has increased to 1.5 million just recently.

    Ukraine has probably killed 400,000-500,000

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