Justin Trudeau under pressure as his party loses Montreal election

Source: yimmy51


  1. LingALingLingLing on

    Good tbh. This is the person and party that 5Xed immigration in a CoL and housing crisis. This means we have roughly 10x immigration per capita compared to the US and those in the US already see how much strain your current immigration numbers are having. Btw, it might just be 8x now but that’s because our population grew so much so the “per capita” value decreased… They have also loosened immigration standards that we have people in videos beheading someone for ISIS being granted PR.

    40-45% (Used to be 30-35%!) of Canadians now support the opposition party to the point they’ll be granted a super majority if an election happened now. Projections by 338 (a polling aggregator) now show 220 seats out of 338 (Well, its 343 or something now) going to conservatives. Some people are in denial saying “It’s bots!” who are making r/Canada conservative (and there’s probably bots on both sides) but they live in denial that Canada itself is becoming more conservative.

  2. The US could elect Kamala Harris. MX has elected Sheinbaum. And Canada is going to elect the political equivalent of a redpill redditor. We’re about to be a regional and global embarrassment.

  3. Old-Suspect4129 on

    I’m moving to Quebec.

    Ottawa has really tuned into shit hole.

    I got myself a “bunker in the making”. I’ll post for applications soon.

  4. TheNextBattalion on

    Now is the time to follow through on the promise of proportional representation. Cause chaos

  5. cookinthescuppers on

    I don’t vote conservative ie Harper, Mulroney and now PP but Trudeau better get his shit together or move along

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