Found some anti-army propaganda at my school

Source: CentreLeftMelbournia


  1. I’m generally not one to bag the ADF, but the high incidence of PTSD, suicide, and blast-related brain trauma is an established fact. And, let’s face it, who would want to spend four years in the Army, only to leave with a brain smooshed to bits by repeated exposure to (for example) blasts from firing artillery rounds… and that’s without even having been deployed.

  2. It’s not propaganda if it’s correct information though. The military is notorious for committing war-crimes and treating the people within it like shit.

  3. CentreLeftMelbournia on

    Just an FYI:
    Personally do not condone the army
    I’m just calling it propaganda because it’s heavily biased to the point where one would call it propaganda
    The title does not match my opinion

  4. Beast_of_Guanyin on

    I’m fairly pro-military (I want 2% of GDP spent on the military at minimum forever, I don’t know where that places me on the spectrum) and I agree with most of these points. They’re all solidly factual.

    I also just don’t want people in the military who don’t want to be there or who are doing it for money. It’s a hard, sucky job that someone has to do. A lot of kids get sucked into it who shouldn’t be there.

  5. JustSomeBloke5353 on

    Korea was UN approved. INTERFET was with the invitation of Indonesia. Somalia and Rwanda were humanitarian missions.

    Even Iraq War I was UN approved.

  6. Seems true to me considering what is going on in the army right now. Friends got out because of the shit in the pamphlet

  7. Having served myself, I have to agree with much of the poster (but not its anti-ADF sentiment … that bit not at all!). My dad served in WWII and I followed him without a great deal of thought. I absolutely loved 99% of my time in uniform but wow does it take a heavy toll on mind and body. If it’s for you then jump in and go for it … just know what it actually is that you’re embarking upon.

  8. I think it’s fair, especially for high school levers, to have as much information, positive & negative, available to them

  9. Motor_Memory1747 on

    The political elite have chosen to consistently denigrate and attack the core military recruits: young White men. Let them fight the next war with their DEI army. I’m sure they’ll hold up well against nations like China, Russia, Iran that haven’t spend decades deconstructioning their national identity.

  10. Yeah both my mates are fubar from the military. One loved providing targeting for schools and hospitals in iraq 2. Cries often when drunk about it. You could be him. He was on a ship and didn’t do the bombing.

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