Fears new WA gun laws will put an end to Geraldton’s Crayfish Carnival

Source: espersooty


  1. Who knew that basing new firearm laws on nothing and completely avoiding the facts would force away competitions that would normally operate in the state not to mention that these laws are suppose to increase “safety” for the general public but they do nothing in making sure the police themselves don’t stuff up and[ leak gun owner locations to the public](https://www.watoday.com.au/national/wa-gun-owners-demand-apology-for-police-map-showing-their-locations-20220324-p5a7r0.html), [shut down RAAF air spaces for a PR stunt](https://www.9news.com.au/national/wa-police-were-given-safety-warning-over-media-stunt-with-rifle/d3680642-4c17-4188-90f7-9b78cfac63e8) and then [“blow up” all the bought back rifles in another PR stunt](https://sportingshooter.com.au/news/wa-gun-buyback-concludes-with-nearly-40000-handed-in/), It seems the WA government is more looking to get votes rather then ensure the safety of the Western Australian population.

    There is no data or fact sheet that could ever justify the restrictions and reasonings for the laws that they’ve implemented beyond that they know its an easy way to gain votes without many people caring as your every day folk doesn’t really understand firearm laws and or how the license system works in Australia which leads us to not being able have a mature conversation surrounding our firearm laws in an effort to make them more common sense based, There is no reason why we shouldn’t be allowed to have Airsoft etc in Australia but we can’t have that conversation within the current space due to the amount of misinformation and outright lies from various groups and organisations.

    We should be encouraging people to join the shooting sports, its a great hobby and a great way to meet more people and stay active instead of constantly demonizing the sport/hobby.

  2. EstablishmentNo4329 on

    For people coming along later thinking 5 guns is a lot…

    Most shooters are involved in a number of competitions or hunting a variety of game.

    Can you hammer a nail with a sledgehammer? Sure, but not safely or efficiently.

    Can you play a round of golf with a few clubs? Sure, but not at peak sporting performance.

    The people shooting holes in paper, enjoying connecting with their community, exploring the bush, getting some food on the table are not anyone’s enemy….

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