UAE sending weapons into Sudan via Wagner fighters

Source: TheTelegraph


  1. **From The Telegraph’s Ben Farmer:**

    The United Arab Emirates has used Russia’s notorious Wagner mercenary group to ship arms to rebels in [Sudan’s civil war](, experts and a paramilitary group say.

    The Kremlin-funded military contractor used the neighbouring Central African Republic (CAR) to smuggle weapons to Sudan’s [Rapid Support Forces]( (RSF), fighting against the Sudanese army.

    Rebels fighting the CAR government told an investigation by SourceMaterial that they had captured Wagner-escorted consignments of weapons supplied by the UAE and destined for the RSF.

    Shipments continued until at least April 2024, the rebels said, with diplomatic sources believing they have now tailed off as Moscow has tilted away from the RSF and towards the Sudanese armed forces (SAF).

    As many as 150,000 people have been killed in Sudan and more than 10m have [fled their homes]( since the simmering rivalry between the army and RSF last year erupted into war.

    Both sides are accused of atrocities. The conflict has set off one of the planet’s [worst humanitarian crises]( and triggered the world’s first formal declaration of [famine]( in seven years.

    United Nations investigators this week accused the RSF of “horrific” ethnically-driven assaults against non-Arab Sudanese in the [Darfur region](

    The UAE, traditionally one of Britain’s closest allies in the Gulf, has long-standing dealings with the RSF and has repeatedly been accused of ferrying weapons to them.

    The UAE strongly denies all involvement – though UN experts have called previous accusations “credible”.

    The Emirati government declined to comment on the latest allegations.

    Russia has also emerged as a key participant as the war has become a tangled global battlefield, waged by competing opportunistic powers. Moscow has been playing both sides of the bloodshed, analysts say, in hopes that it will be rewarded with access to gold mines and a strategic Red Sea port.

    [Wagner mercenaries]( are heavily involved in the neighbouring CAR, bolstering the government against opposition rebels – and have used the country as a conduit for weapons bound for the RSF.

    A rebel leader said Wagner forces – now rebranded Africa Corps after the failed uprising by [Yevgeny Prighozin](, their founder – had been ferrying arms across the border crossing at Um Dafog into South Darfur.

    Abdu Buda, spokesman for the Coalition of Patriots for Change, said the paramilitary group had intercepted two shipments, the most recent in April, and also captured Russian Wagner mercenaries. He said two were dead and two still in captivity.

    He said: “These shipments were transported by Wagner mercenaries who are fighting against our forces, controlling the gold and diamond mining area and backing the government in Bangui.”

    **Article Link:** [](

  2. So… a well known terrorist group financer… uses a known “mercenary group” to supply weapons to a rebel group acused of crimes against its people in the name of freedom.

    Where have we seen this before?!

  3. Gold and wealth from RSF controlled mines is managed and disseminated through Abu Dhabi.

    The UAE has also invested in Sudanese land and hopes to establish a greater presence in red sea shipping through control of Sudanese ports the emirates is working to become a dominate player in global shipping. They seem to see the RSF as a better guarantor of these holdings.

    The RSF provided infantry to the coalition war in Yemen (for a price) and the UAE appears to see them as reliable partners.

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