‘There has been cowardice in criticizing the varieties of Islam’: Swedish Deputy Prime Minister Ebba Busch

Source: dolekanteel


  1. IgnoranceIsTheEnemy on

    Parts of Sweden are wondering where her head covering is and why a woman has been allowed a position of authority.

  2. Islam as a religion does adapt.

    Question is, how is the gov interacting with the “The Muslim Council of Sweden” to ensure the adaption so that it is compatible with SE law? Easy to ask, but that person is in Gov, so it be interesting to see her actions on this.

  3. More swedes I know don’t fall for this anti-immigrant shit and the country as a whole is very progressive

  4. Islam is too broad a concept to say it has to adapt. People who cling to cultural norms that are antithetical to Swedish laws must adapt or leave. Or to say it another way: Illegal behavior will not be tolerated. And then enforce it with expulsions.

  5. She’s absolutely right and that goes for any western nation. We need to stand up to religious conservatism or face the consequences of the rise of the far right.

  6. AdvocatingForPain on

    Yes this was said multiple times at least a decade ago. So no shit, everyone except the politicians and idiots knew this.

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