US and Britain Postpone Decision on Long-Range Strikes

Source: EriEnigma


  1. So dumb honestly like I can see why they don’t want it to happen but think if it was their country they be so salty if they wore told the aren’t aloud to use the weapons they have been provided in short I think giving Ukraine these missiles shadow etc was pure political relief form the pressure form other supporting countries that ship weapons to Ukraine

  2. Well, I am not sure how much of this was the UK’s decision however I suspect there has been some back channel stuff going on that will unlikely be made public anytime soon. Very disappointing nonetheless.

  3. “So did they pussy out after Putin mentioned direct war with west if Ukraine is given permission?

  4. The exact wrong attitude Putin is hoping for. When the dog barks, you don’t run away. You back down. Every time you give Russia the space to be aggressive, make threats and nothing happens, it will grow more confident. The confidence will result in more and more belief in a victory at any cost.

    The absolute weakness of our political leaders disappoints me deeply. How can you let Russia import long range missiles from Iran and North Korea to terrorise Ukrainian civilians, but meanwhile do not allow Ukraine to obtain the *EXACT SAME* capability from the west.


  5. Well the little respect I had for our government has quickly shrivelled up. Didn’t even last 2 days

  6. Yet Russia can bombard Ukrainian cities with Iranian and North Korean missiles all they want… How frustrating for Ukraine. That’s some real B.S.!!!

  7. Hopefully, maybe wishful thinking but hopefully this just means they are shipping those long range missiles and surprising Putin with one at his bunkers doorstep

  8. I *hope* the US is just trying to avoid a faux escalation from Putin that riles up fears in the US, just prior to an election.

    After the vote in early November, *if* Harris wins, then hopefully the permission can be granted. If this is the case, then it’s a good *temporary* decision.

    If Trump wins, then it’s moot, as 10 weeks later the US will likely completely pull its support for Ukraine.

    So, best-case is that this is strategic political thinking to not give Putin an easy way to signal WW3 without Trump.

    Worst-case is that there’s behind-the-scenes real concern out an out-of-control escalation.

    Biden hates Putin. *Hates* him. And Biden the US military Generals are not cowards. There will be a *very sound* reason why Biden is slow-rolling this.

    We’ll be able to infer more in 7 weeks.

  9. Meanwhile Putin takes aim at another hospital, sits back in his chair made of yes men, takes a big drink of vodka and laughs hysterically at pictures of Biden and Starmer!

  10. TotalEntrepreneur801 on

    This is what they call 4-D chess, guys.

    Putin just took delivery of multiple ballistic missiles from Iran. These missiles are more difficult for air defence to intercept, because they approach their target from a great height, and are travelling very fast.

    By publicly *postponing* the decision to allow Ukraine to make long-range attacks deep into Russian territory, they are sending a message to Putin without actually saying it. The message is: “Do not use those missiles”.

  11. Ok no long range weapons then flood Ukraine with so much air defence Russia’s new junk from Iran won’t matter as nothing can get through
    Tighten sanctions on any country helping Russia
    Russia using a war of attrition I’m sure the rest of the world can just isolate Russia from everything
    Russians only understand bully tactics

  12. AssignedGoonerPilled on

    The white house ain’t materially telling Israel what to do with the weapons it sends them so I don’t see where they get off telling Ukraine what to do with theirs.

  13. Well well what a surprise both Biden and 2tierkeir don’t have the balls to stand up against a dictator ummmmm I wonder why.

  14. Postponing a decision is a decision. It’s a decision to maintain the status quo. No change at this time is the decision

  15. 4D Chess moves IRL. Give permission, get trump voted in OR wait, get Kamala a better chance to get voted in and weaken Poutine thru another 4 yrs and the orange turd for election interfering. Not that the latter is going to happen because of the slow and corrupt Supreme Court because they basically have a stranglehold on democracy because trump got incredibly lucky appoint multiple justices and layed the groundwork to get off scott free if it ever reaches the supreme court.

  16. Realistic_Fee_5913 on

    Ukraine are literally fighting a war with their hands tied. Pootin needs taking out for a long walk.

  17. I guess, this is the diplomatic approach of allowing Russia to move their assets further away from the frontline before approving the long range attacks.

    Soon the mud season is back and nobody will progress any further until it freezes up

  18. BudgetHistorian7179 on

    It seems NATO is not so eager to go to war with Russia, after all. Good news for everybody, including Ukraine. This is, from the start (2014) a US/Russia war for Donbass resources, fought wirh Ukrainan blood, but Russia has avoided going “full Israel” on Ukraine to allow NATO to keep faking they are not involved in what is a local war between two non-NATO countries. Let’s keep it that way: EU has already crushed his economy to fund the war, let’s not add “Third world war” to our problems.

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