Putin May Amp Up Sabotage In Response to UK Missiles in Russia, Officials Say

Source: its_Ghanou


  1. And the West will keep ignoring it.

    Russia *want* public discussion of sabotage, drone overflights, etc. so that the conversation shifts away from Ukraine and towards defending European countries instead.

    So *everyone* in Europe is doing the equivalent of saying “Look, he’s wearing that stupid neon Hawaiian shirt to try to get attention again. Everyone just act like it’s perfectly normal and watch him get more and more furious. <*sniggers*>.”

  2. How is sabotage and assassination on UK soil not an act of war?

    At this point we should draw a line in the sand:

    If you attack our infrastructure physically or digitally we will take that as a declaration of war.

  3. disgruntled_joe on

    He keeps “amping” up soldier numbers to invade Ukraine, doesn’t mean it’s effective.

  4. Every time he ups the anti…. Sad to say… We must respond with the same equal and opposite Force…. As dangerous as that is…. Otherwise we get a Hitler

  5. guntheretherethere on

    I still don’t understand The rhetoric of tit for tat war, ” we will do more now that you’ve done more to us” like are you not doing all you can already? Why would you wait to do more in war?

  6. Wise-Paramedic-9163 on

    UK is weak. Putin been killing people on their soil. They didn’t do shit beside “stop that!”

  7. In the event of sabotage in the UK, the new government will do nothing along with other nations in the West.

    For some reason they don’t want to directly lock horns with Putin, I understand not escalating the situation further but Russia couldn’t actually go any further than what it has.

    Putin only understands force and until he is given a bloody nose he will keep coming out with crap like this.

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