US announces $700 million in aid for Ukraine, Blinken says discussed delivery of long-range weapons

Source: Darshan_brahmbhatt


  1. Help please. I’m hearing impaired and Sky News doesn’t offer closed caption. What was Blinken’s response to the question?

  2. What a long winded way of saying nothing concrete

    Edit: People are responding to this comment like I don’t know what diplomacy is. We’ve all seen plenty of strong language at various points in the war from US and UK as well as plenty of whifflewaffly language. It’s not like they *never* use strong language in diplomacy, *they just choose not to here*, and so there is no need to be like BREAKING NEWS and point out his answer to the question specifically like we’ve had a new and exciting development.

  3. Hah, for a moment I thought he was gonna answer the question. Infuriating. “No comment” would have been less insulting than this blatant waffling like he’s hoping to make us forget what was asked.

  4. abdul_tank_wahid on

    War is so insanely expensive man, I mean hundreds of thousands dead is hard to picture and 700 million, wow.

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