Holocaust, colonisation in school curriculum overhaul

Source: chippermcsmiles


  1. Huge-Intention6230 on

    Yay – more white guilt. Just what the kids need.

    I’m all for teaching balanced history – if it is indeed balanced.

    If you’re going to teach about the Aboriginal experience of colonialism, you ALSO need to be prepared to explain to students why, after being here for sixty thousand years Aboriginal people never invented any written language, never built anything more complex than a pile of pebbles, and never invented anything more advanced than a pointy stick.

    I don’t think your average history teacher is equipped to handle that in any sort of nuanced way. Hell most adults in this country can’t even handle that line of questioning.

  2. I feel like teaching any of this stuff is a waste of time.
    None of it helps people get a good job or helps with general life skills.
    Looking back at horrible events in history doesn’t seem to be stopping horrible human behaviour in the modern day.

  3. What a load of freaking bullshit and left wing crap. Makes my blood boil. Rewriting history to appease the left wing. In 100 years of this crap, there will be NO truth left at all. People like my ancestors and what they did to build this nation will be completely forgotten about.

  4. This article is so shallow, I already learnt all of this when I went to school, so what is it that they are changing?

  5. _Pliny_The_Elder_ on

    Cant teach the holocaust without teaching the impacts and ramifications of world war 1 or you won’t understand why it happend.

  6. bagsoffreshcheese on

    Syllabus, syllabi, syllabuses (I don’t know the plural) change all the time. I don’t know why people are getting their knickers in a knot.

    There isn’t any harm in teaching about the bad things that humans have done in the past. I’d say it’s a positive thing to ensure that we don’t repeat our past mistakes.

    The article also said that high school kids will be taught more about the democratic system and the Australian Constitution. This is massively important topic to teach all kids as the US in the last couple of years has shown that the democratic process needs to be rigorously protected and defended.

  7. Prestigious-Fox-2413 on

    This is a really good change and is sad that people are rejecting it. How the government works is important and helps to strengthen our democracy, unlike the rise of Donald Trump in the USA.

    Learning about how, why and what happened to indigenous and jewish people I think would help in preventing a rise in Nazism (for the holocaust specifically).

    And climate change is also a good one as the LNP and Dutton right now rejects climate change in its entirety.

  8. I would actually like to know why younger people today don’t want to know anything truthful about our real history? Why they believe a lot of the untruths being told about “white” settlers and people who built this nation to what it is today?

  9. GaryTheGuineaPig on

    WW2 & the Holocaust is already part of the syllabus, but I guess they’re expanding on it, which is probably a good idea. We have lots of new migrants from countries where it isn’t taught or isn’t taught properly & looking at the recent riots and protests, it looks like some folks need an education.

    The other stuff about colonialism seems to be DEI related & centred on the Marxist idea of equity.

    I guess creating a cohesive multicultural society requires a strong foundation, so where better to start than in the schools.

  10. Knowing this government, the bit about the holocaust will be a byline basically saying we deserved it and the real victims of the holocaust are not the Jewish people or Slavic people but the gays and three black people who were killed.

  11. Personally i disagree that “colalinsm” is inherently evil

    if they weren’t using the land I fail to see how it is evil to set up a home on it

    that said i do not like murder Ethier so idk

  12. I won’t be happy with any highschool history curriculum until they make The Histories by Herodotus compulsory reading, whether they’re doing ancient or modern history, it doesn’t matter. That book has it all – legends, atrocities, outright bullshit, innovations, the rise and fall of cultures, and a hell of lot of ambiguity. It would teach students to study all versions of history – yes, all – with a critical eye and a passionate interest.

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