Gazans are beginning to attempt to keep fighters out of civilian shelters.

Source: SandwichOfAgnesi


  1. AdvantageAmbitious71 on

    The situation in Gaza is becoming more urgent as civilians work to keep fighters out of shelters. We must prioritize the safety of our community above all else.

  2. shadrackandthemandem on

    Should have started lynching fighters when they were hijacking your relief aid and food shipments, close to a year ago.

  3. I hope they rise up. Like I hope Afghan women rise up. Like I hope moderate Iranians rise up. Islamic terrorist organizations rape their own people and use them for cannon fodder

  4. Israel builds bomb shelters to protect Israelis from bombs.

    Hamas builds bomb shelters to protect bombs from Israelis.

  5. This article makes it pretty clear that Israel is *only* targeting Hamas. 

    Why else would they want to avoid bringing any gunmen in their camps? 

    Still, people in the west truly believe that Israel is committing genocide against Palestinian civilians while South Africa is publicly scrambling to find evidence to substantiate that claim and Jews everywhere are subjected to the most vile antisemitic tropes straight out of 1930’s Germany as some kind of twisted advocacy for Palestinian civilians whose well-being Hamas couldn’t care less about. 

  6. I hate to say it, but building bomb shelters would serve no purpose in Gaza. There are underground tunnels and rooms for Hamas to use if needed, and if civilians were able to take cover, it would reduce casualties. Remember, Israel gives advance warning for all of their targets. Even without a bomb shelter, people could just *leave*. However, that would, again, reduce casualties. For both of those reasons, Hamas simply encourages people to stay where they are. Higher casualties means more sympathy, after all, and more pressure on Israel, which is beneficial to Hamas.

  7. Oh wow, so Palestinians actually do have agency over their own behavior? Quick, somebody go tell the college kids!

  8. That is far fetched idea, but IF hamas power have been reduced to the point that Palestinians see a possibility to resist to their rule…
    There is some light at the end of the tunnel.

  9. Hamas in parades are dressed in similar uniforms… Hamas fighting are dressed in civilian clothes…

  10. About time. Rise up and get rid of Hamas. They use you and your children as human shields, hoping enough die to change things, while starving you, stealing your Aid, and watching Western porn and shitting on gold toilets.

  11. They should have been doing this for the last several months instead of aiding and abetting terrorists.

  12. Wonderful news and I hope this becomes the new rallying cry for Palestine. All of us want Gazan’s to have a better life, but it will only be possible if they throw off the shackles of Hamas from within. I hope we are able to continue to help them seize this opportunity.

  13. Spagete_cu_branza on

    I feel like Hamas sold the people of gaza for some geo politics games that Iran is playing. I feel bad for them.

  14. Looks like the IDF’s new policy of evacuating humanitarian areas that rockets are shot out of is having a positive impact!

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