Lululemon told government it might stop its Vancouver expansion if it couldn’t hire foreign workers

Source: GhostlyParsley


  1. Call their bluff. Someone will gladly take their place if it is viable.

    Its like if Walmart threatened to leave. Let them. There would be a time of transition but other shops like Canadian TIre, Dollarama, Loblaws, and others that do different parts of what Walmart does would pour tons of money in expansions and product changes immediately to get that money people spent at Walmart.

    Remember that Zellars at the Bay experiment? If Walmart left the Bay would suddenly turn half their stores to Zellars the next goddamned day.

  2. UnionGuyCanada on

    We need to stop bowing to corporate overlords. If they can’t operate without TFWs, let them not set up shop. They don’t provide anything beyond sales, they don’t process any natural resource, they just sell their overpriced, branded items.

      Businesses die, it is part of a healthy economy. We need to accept and expect this, rather than having these massive businesses that operate from coast to coast and are so integral we get held hostage by them.

  3. >This time, the company’s CEO appears to have directly lobbied Champagne, the federal innovation minister.

    >At the May 2023 press conference, Champagne said Lululemon CEO Calvin McDonald had texted him regarding the company’s application. Champagne said he contacted then-immigration minister Sean Fraser, whose department approved Lululemon’s request.

    >“Without the quick action of Minister Fraser, we would probably not be here today, and Lululemon might not have been in Canada for the future,” Champagne later said.

    > Lululemon has retained a lobbyist to speak to officials about temporary foreign workers, but there is no official record on the federal lobbyist registry about McDonald’s alleged exchange with Champagne.

    This sequence of event would make for a perfect CPC attack ad. It ties the strongest criticisms of the Liberal Party’s governance (immigration, undermining Canadian jobs/worsening COL, and acceding to backroom lobbying) into a single narrative.

    At the very least these sorts of actions will only create a broader basis for anti-immigration sentiment. I think workers in professional employment have tolerated the TFW program for a long time on their implicit understanding that it will primarily affect so-called “low skill” job sectors like farmworking and fast food. But it’s difficult to see the program inspiring anything but widespread discontent when it creates downward pressure on wages and employment standards in professional, skilled, and other employment alike.

  4. Then tell them to hit the fuckin bricks. Sick of tax money going to corporations. Subsidize the profits for them off Canadian taxpayer. Get lost

  5. OH NO! WHAT WILL WE DO WITHOUT ONE SINGLE CLOTHING BRAND! good god, we will run out of clothing! How will people be able to cover themselves when the great and mighty Lululemon stops expanding!?!?!? 😱😱😱😱

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