Khorne Group dropping thermite from drones to set Russian positions on fire in a forested area. Published on September 5, 2024. (Location not mentioned)

Source: Hotrico


  1. Sure, it’s spectacular. But how effective? Any photos/videos of the aftermath? Can someone shelter from it? Lots of questions.

  2. I personally would not have shared something like this because now Russia is definitely gonna make drones that can do something similar

  3. DifficultWay5070 on

    Does anyone know what is the difference between thermite and white phosphorus? Or is it the same thing ?

  4. DarkIlluminator on

    It reminds me that it was a long time since I saw Russians use their incendiary GRAD rockets. I guess they ran out of them just like they did of cluster GRAD rockets before.

  5. I wonder when they’re going to seek help from the drone swarm guys. 5, 10, 15 of these flying abreast or staggered… Fucking terrifying carpet of destruction.

    Go on ukraine – do it.

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